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Reviews for "Scrap Arms Demo [OLD 2019]"

Good demo. If I were to improve anything it would probably be the music, maybe a bit more variety in the caves? Great graphics and programming though, good job!

Oh, and it would be nice if I could skip cutscenes, especially if I have to restart the whole game if I die.

BigBossErndog responds:

Thank you! For sure, music is one thing I'd work on if I manage to get funding for this game. I'd really like to get help on it. I can try, but I don't think I can do it all myself.
About the cutscenes, definitely something I should work on implementing. Thanks! I'd like to ask you more questions for feedback, I'll dm you them.

Edit: I streamlined the death process. Unless you've hit a checkpoint in that dungeon, you'll start from the beginning of the dungeon so you don't have to go through all the cutscenes :)

A fairly good game, especially made by your self. Among the few issues is a lack of explanation for how things work beyond the general concepts that one could figure out on their own honestly. The menu is not explained the best such as that moving objects around inside the inventory is not explained, and perhaps more visibility to where the character can move would help when those recycling bins seem to be blocking a section off but are able to be moved around from an angle. More a word of advice than anything but making tutorial tips occur when moving up is not the best way to get your players to learn about the game, if anything non-combat tasks and menu explanations can be done while still in the "village" and combat can be explained at the first enemy encounter, weapons can be explained as they are picked up, and etc.

I do appreciate the "turn based" combat that is not so simple as just choosing an attack and waiting for it to play out. The story from what I played was adorable and hopefully you can get a better budget/funding to scale this game up. The graphics and music are what I expected of a flash game but it is nostalgically refreshing for a good little flash rpg game to be posted on newgrounds again with such potential. A little tidbit I am not sure was intentional or not but character movement is actually faster at an angle than any cardinal direction. so holding down two movement keys makes the character ZOOM even if the amount of "turns" is the same.

BigBossErndog responds:

Thank you for the valuable feedback! Definitely looks like I'll need to think about how the player learns the game more, you've definitely opened my eyes to that. Thank you! I hope you await what's to come with this game!

I'll get to work on revamping the tutorials shortly.

The diagonal movement kinda is intentional, for a lot of the stuff going on behind the scenes, the characters have to be moving at fixed integers.

Overall great game with an interesting story but not without its flaws.
First I have to say that i played on easy and I haven't completed the demo yet as am just at the second boss and i don't think I will continue playing it since i am a casual player and having to repeat all the second part because i died on the boss made me lose interest in the game.
Maybe adding a save before the boss would make me continue playing.

here's some ideas :
-a special health slot that automatically fill with a health item if you have one.
-the ability to combine two things that are the same type into one but every inventory slot can only handle a certain number of items for example you can combine two plastic ballistics containing each 5 into one containing 10 or two plastic ballistics one contains 7 and the other 5 and when you combine them you get one with 10 and the other with only 2 this would highly decrease junk items
-a use button with the move/discard/drop would be nice
-instead of a yes or no question every time you discard something show an undo button for several seconds

edit :
i retried my luck yesterday before i read your answer and i missed the save spot again :(
i believe that something as important as saving should be obvious to the eye, perhaps a brighter color for the door or an arrow would help.
Then lets talk about for the second boss, i choose the easy difficulty because am more interested in the story than the challenge and the first boss was fairly easy for me but the second one ? i don't believe i could beat him so maybe a tip from you can help.
And finally for the use button idea :
i like your last idea since entering and exiting the inventory already take a turn it would make sense

BigBossErndog responds:

There is a save before the boss. There’s a house you pass on the right side of Fiera that has the same door as Ayo’s house. It’s Karin’s house, you can save in there.

1) A special health slot is something I’ll take note of.

2) Broken items will be a really important part of the main game, you’ll want them. I don’t really want it to auto delete broken items or have ways to automatically lessen the number of broken items you carry as there will be use for them.

3) Using an item takes up a turn, menus take place outside the general gameplay loop, therefore it’d break the game to be able to use them from the menu as then you’d be able to use several in one turn. Unless every time you press ‘use’ from the menu it closes the menu and then it uses the item, but at that point it’d be faster to put several healing items on your hotbar and use them one by one. Unless just having the choice to have it close the menu when you use an item, that might be nice.

4) An undo might be an interesting idea.

Its a lot like the pokemon mystery dungeon games and that is pretty fun. but i just wish the health items were a bit less scarce in comparison to the other items.

I died after three Appetites were ganging up on me, then when I tried to continue I got send to an endless black void where Gnikolas had no hp left and yet still was able to use items.

BigBossErndog responds:

Hi, thanks for reporting this! Could you contact me through Discord? https://discord.gg/QJ5bYwy

I need your help to fix this :)