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Reviews for "Sheltered"

I quite like this game! Sure, it's not traditionally entertaining, but I like the message you guys were trying to tell about people who struggle with depression or anxiety (at least, that's what I'm assuming this is all about).
Next time, though, maybe make what the player's supposed to do a little more clear? It looks like a lot of people are confused as to what the life bar is and what they're supposed to do to reach the ending. It took me a while to figure out too, and even then I wasn't really sure as to whether or not I was playing correctly.

Overall though, this is a pretty good first game! It's simple, has a message (even if it might be a bit unclear) and the art is cute.

I like the concept I just feel as thought I wanted to see more from the game but I get that that's kinda the point. However for a game that was made in 48 hours I think it was a interesting game to play.

am i the only one who is having issues doing anything after the pizza box

Snackbyte responds:


A lot of other players were able to finish the game, so perhaps you might be stuck?
If you were able to eat the pizza, sometimes, when we're stuck being sad at home, a few good games with friends can be great, but not too much!

If it's after that, you may have to look at yourself in the mirror, look around your room, and tell yourself the truth about what's going on.

Hope that helps!
(If you still feel stuck, feel free to send me a message with details so I can help you out or investigate if there are any bugs. :D)

I feel like you should be able to make some kind of impact. I understand you're trying to convey that difficult feeling of not being able to do anything and just wasting your life away, but being forced to do that implies there's nothing that can be done about it, which isn't true.

I'm not saying it should be easy, certainly not, but I feel there should be a way that with enough trying, something changes. Perhaps I missed something. I tried unplugging the computer but it just told me "clothes" -_-. I tried mashing space over and over at the door to no avail. Tried again and again to pickup the clothes but nothing.

I liked that if you play on the computer with friends but then don't play afterwards you regain life when you sleep.

Also, why does your life only sometimes go down, there seems to be no reason?

Overall, it's good to see a game that embraces being art and it's pretty well polished, the clock ticking was a strong touch, but it doesn't seem to be saying much besides A."Depression and anxiety sucks" and B."There's nothing you can do about it". Perhaps I missed something, I played til day 42 but since nothing was changing I stopped. Is there an end? How do I know when I've ran out of content?

Xelalanana responds:

Hello there! The hearts/lives are only lost at the beginning. You start with 2 out of 5 hearts and it goes down as the days pass, this was to convey that you've been stuck in the room for quite some time now (even before starting the game) and "eating" will help replenish back one life!

Others have mentioned getting stuck at this part too, but after regaining life from resting (after playing with friends), you'd get a dream-sequence where it's only the Door and Mirror. Once everything goes back to normal, try interacting with the other objects in the room such as the Mirror, Clothes, and Pizzabox. You might have to "rest" first before you can do anything with them, but afterwards, try interacting with those same objects again.

Once 5/5 lives are filled you'll be able to get through the door!

Hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to message us! :)

About pc, you should have done that player should unplug it also game reminds me of Yume Nikki or maybe because I played it earlier