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Reviews for "Crimson Moon Ep 1"

Pretty good Flash movie.

Eh, this was a pretty good flash vid, Not the best..But I'm not totally sure, it might just be my computer, but the voices and mouths didnt quite match nor did the bus sounds and or Music come on right. I'm not totally sure if that was how it was meant to be, perhaps so to decrease the filesize anyway, I'm waiting for the 3rd episode, and currently Downloading the 2nd, Come back soon.

Danthi responds:

Thanks for the Louie-de-vancreiger;
Well I didn't mean to have the mouths not match, I had finished watching this again and the lip sync seemed fine on my computer. I'll look forward for your review of ep#2, I'm also really sorry to make everyone wait so long for the next episode.
I've let so much crap get in the way of making Crimson Moon what I want it to, I just means that I need to buckle down and really work my ass off on the next Crimson Moon.
Jason "Danthi" Whalley


the animation went from good to terrible from scene to scene. photoshop here and there, flash elsewhere. voices sounded like they were coming from a tin can. potential is there but even the story is poo.

Danthi responds:

It was my "real" attempt at Flash using Photoshop effects. I rushed it too quickly and it turned out crappy I have learned from this experience and I am taking time to create Crimson Moon #2 the best as I can. As for the story may get better it may not we will have to see.
I think that you gave me a fair review

Jason "Danthi" Whalley


This needs a lot of work. The style is sort of a failed attempt at anime, and the overuse of obscenities makes it cheap. The effort is apparent, and that's respectable...but you need to learn a lot more about anatomy and drawing in general. Nonetheless, it was a decent effort.

Danthi responds:

Yes this move dose need allot of work. The overuse of obscenities is to make a point, that Ky hate Tray, and Ky has been through allot in his life from become a vampire and having to kill one of his "friends" in a blood match, I can tone down the obscenities thought. But this is an animation for adults. My anime is not very good I admit mostly because I haven't been drawing anime most of my life only about 2 or 3 years at the max, I still have allot to learn about anime and it's style. Also my style is in there with the anime style. I have not taken any courses on drawing only through the school system, and not through college, but I do plan to. I thank you for your review.
Jason "Danthi" Whalley

Not very good...

You obviously put a lot of work into this and its something you clearly enjoy creating.

But you really dont have a strong grasp of a number of important things. The most obvious is ilustration, specifically anatomy. Anime is a poor drawing style to emulate, for reasons I wont get into here. I'm pretty sure if you stop imitating anime the quality of your work will improve damatically. I also strongly recommend taking a few illustration and anatomy courses.

If you were 13 I wouldnt it wouldnt be a problem. But you're 21, and you claim to be semi-professional. Also, you're obviously serious about your work.

The second problem is your flash. The most obvious problem is sound. The sound quality is pretty bad. I can't guess where the problem may be, but I recommend getting a good microphone and perhaps some sound editing software.

Your animation has a few positive points here and there. And your story has potential. But its going to take a lot of work to bring it out.

Danthi responds:

Ok so I am no as professional as I thought. I am only .000000000000001 professional right now. There goes my delusion of grandeur. I know that it is not very good right now and I need more work on it. This is supposed to be an Anime style movie. And it's as much a part of me as my hand I draw with. This is something that I hope to be doing as a profession someday but I do need a lot of work to make that happen. I have always had a problem with anatomy I am planning to go to an art school, or go to the collage here for an art course. My sound will improve. I am glade that there are some positive points to my animation, but that two will get better with practice I plan to do more frame by frame in this and my other ones. I am very serious about my work and making something good, not only good but something excellent in flash and same with my comics. Because they suck too.
Jason "Danthi" Whalley

in my opinion

If there's one thing I can't stand it's gaudy goths. if there's another thing I can't stand it's people who take shitty anime as their sole influence. I could see where some of vampire hunter D was involved in the fight scenes but in for the rest of it was that lousey DBZ shit. I also thought that the Ann Rice influence on the storyline was rather exagerated. it went for what everyone else sees. Not the underlying setting that she puts out. The voices sucked they lacked any real feeling. They seemed as though they were just words read from a high schooler's exteremely private notes. (you know the ones I'm talking about) The music was scratchy and rather unfit for the scenery. I thought the animation was rather smoothly done. It could be improved upon. try looking somewhere other than DBZ for artistic influence.

Danthi responds:

For your Information!! DBZ is NOT my sole influence for the style of the art. It's not even an influence at all!!! I have never read one of Ann Rice's Books. Although that I have seen Vampire Hunter D, it is NOT an influence for the battle. What are you talking about High Schooler's private Notes? What are you talking about Gaudy Goths?! The voices will get better with time. This is a Mix of anime with my own style together. I would also like to see one of your movies!!! Huh...I am not saying that you don't know anything about reviewing movies but I don't have the tools or the money to have good sound. My friends or myself are NOT voice actors!!! And I have not written a script for an episode before so I am inexperienced with the whole process of making an episode, granted that I should of work hard on this shit then just submitting it when I was done. I am sorry for being one of those users that submits some crap they just finished. Thank you
Jason "Danthi" Whalley