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Reviews for "Crimson Moon Ep 1"

Luv that stuff

As someone with some experience being a human mosquito, I think you did an excellent job portraying the type who donot appreciate the gift.

Danthi responds:

Thanks, I just hope that this doesn’t turn to an “Over done” concept of vampires who hate who they are. I do have a few original story twists, Like in Ep 2 and 4. I am also going to redo some of the voices since most of the data was damaged when I transferred it from computer to web to computer. I have some new tools/progs to help with keeping a high quality sound.

Thanks for your high rating, and I also hope that you will check out Crimson Moon#2 when it comes out in the portal...along with #3 and #4 this year.

Jason "Danthi" Whalley

hey great job jason

hey you did a sweet job and i cant wait till the other episode. i love vampire flashes!!!
well thanks

Danthi responds:

Thanks -Myopinions, well is you love vampire flashes you will love ep#2 second moon, The scripts are done and most of the voices are done, but I am waiting for a graphics tablet, I should start Tuesday, I hope. So after I have #2 done I will move on to #3 and then #4, they are scripted as and most of the voices are done for those as well. But I thank you for your review.
Jason "Danthi" Whalley


I love all of your work,this was great,when it first started i thought i was watching resident evil,then when that woman went on the bus it was like watching anime,some funny bits,the fight scenes were a bit slow and when the woman was walking her clothes moved a bit too much but overall really good,at 1 point it was kinda like genryu's blade,tell me when the second one's ready and i'll watch it(and vote 5^_^).
see you in the lighjtsaber crew.

Danthi responds:

Hey Nova, Thanks for the review.
Finally someone that knows it's a woman...and doesn’t think she is a man.
Genryu's blade?
Which part is that? I am curious to know. Well anyway i am glad you liked it. I will defiantly tell you when the second one is ready. Although it is going to take me a while...since the first scene is taking me like three weeks to do!! @_@;;
Then I have a few other animations to work on. That have will have simpler graphics so they don't take as long to create.
All right see you in the LSC Nova.
Jason "Danthi" Whalley


Well made Danthi! I like your charcter's protrayal and the plot. I also noticed some good animation during the hunters walk into the bus. Man, this got to be one of the best vampire flashes here at NG. Good Job, your effort in this movie was well worth it. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Danthi responds:

Hey BahamutReborn, glad you liked it, Ep 2, 3 and 4 are scripted, and most of the voices are done. I will start on no#2 very soon once I get a graphics Tablet...Thanks for your review. Sound and animation will improve in ep#2; I am really psyched about it. Why Do I have to wait until my next pay check...why....lol


Like the other one, I really like this. The graphics weren't the best, but drawing on the computer is hard I know. I've never made a flash (dun have the stuff you need for it) but I'm sure this is better than what I could do. ^^ Vampires are cool, especially this Ky. I noticed the words in the starts, too. XD

Danthi responds:

I am glad you like it. This one was drawn with a mouse and part two was drawn with a tablet. I'm still not very good at flash but I just really need to pratice and pay attention to life, there is a whole ton of stuff that needs to be worked on. Ky is a cool character, I put a little bit of myself in all my characters. Lol I plan to have at least one little secret on most of my movies. Thanks for your review

Jason "Danthi" Whalley