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Reviews for "Madness Combat 11: Expurgation"

I like how you can almost see fear in Sanford's actions; he's literally just some random mercenary who just got thrown into Hell, he isn't a killing machine like Hank, just some dude.

Deimos to show up when?

Sorry ,not my madness combat .

I expected to see the elaborated storyline. the cartoon ended too abruptly. There is nothing bad in this if people haven't waited your project for more than 7 years.

I was waiting for this for 7 years, very vain, but you did an extremely good animation

translated by google translate

Krinkels responds:


fucking lmfao

This is pretty rad. The intense action and well flowing animation makes me want to play this as a video game.

Madness at its finest

Wow and here we have some madness from the original creator cant go wrong there, you even added a small twist in this story and adventure, you have shown some nice madness element with some extra twists, these are the kinds of madness movies I like because there is some decent depth in this one and your effort shows so great madness theme here.

no changes needed here this was fantastic
