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Reviews for "ZS Dead Detective - Roving Eyes"

I liked your first 2 games better- this one seemed a bit rushed in production and the quality suffered for it. Firstly, I'm happy to hear that you've decided to get more recognition for your work, you surely deserve it. I wasn't as satisfied with this particular game because there were a few flaws that made game play frustrating. 1) There were a few syntax errors, which are forgivable but still noticeable and if you want people to pay for these games they need to be more professional. 2) When I clicked on any of the three main characters ( Madame Blah, the Police Chief and the female guest next to Madame Blah ), only Madame Blah was functional so that the other two characters couldn't be questioned. 3) There were 2 other characters that were not even part of the game- which is okay when you have a large cast of characters but there are only 10 characters total and I was only able to get clues from 4 of them so there was a lot of time wasted and, really, the only reason I was able to beat the game was because I used the hints. In summary, it wasn't as good as your past games, which I love, and I hope that you'll see this as constructive criticism. Not meant to knock you down but to build you up, keep going a good job!

Muja responds:

I love constructive criticism! It's the best way to improve oneself, and honestly I really owe it to you players if I became better at making games since the time I started..
Now, to your questions:
1) I'm ashamed of the syntax erros, I give great importance to grammar when I speak italian and I regret not being that good in english, too. However, the desktop game will be tested by four different people, and three of them speak english as their native language, so I'm sure that one will be much more polished than the games I make for the web for free;
2) That's actually how it's supposed to work. Bah, her friend and the commissioner are very close to each other, and they work as a group: when you talk to one of them, the others will listen and join the discussion, too;
3) Point & Click games are all about exploration and "wasting time" until you find the right solution to a puzzle, and that's actually what I like most about the genre; if they were more straight-forward, they'd be too easy in my opinion. While, if you mean that I should have added more dialogues for all the characters, that's certainly true. The thing is, I'm trying to make as many free games as I can to promote the desktop one, so I might be rushing things a bit, true.

Anyway, your review has been food for thoughts, really, and I thank you!

All of the games in this series are great, but this is probably the weakest in the series. There's not a ton to interact with and there seem to really only be two possible conclusions and the correct one seems fairly obvious.

Also, If I clicked on the staff only signs on the second floor I'd constantly get the same clue over and over. That should probably only work once.

Muja responds:

Thank you for your review! As I stated in the review below yours, the possible conclusions are actually three... But thank you for your feedback!