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Reviews for "A Chinny Thanksgiving"


Oh so funny and yet so wrong. Gave me that warm fuzzy feeling of the holidays. Me likes.

What the hell is a tofurkey!?

I'd rather eat the tofu turkey.

While very short, this was still lots of fun. That's really the name of your website? It sounds like an offshoot of 4chan. Wait, was that even around at this time? They stole your name! I love the animation.

It's hilarious how a serial killer eats tofu. Of course, it makes more sense at the end. This is great for a quick laugh. I just appreciate the music too. Happy early Thanksgiving!

pretty good

i think its score is doing better than it should right now its on 4.14, but hey its till good

fourchinnigan responds:

I'm sure the score will sink to a befitting number once the rush for Protection points dies out.


Tofu is so sick it aint even funny