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Reviews for "Hentai Heroes"

Alright..where do I even begin with this? This is probably one of the most irritating and frustrating porn games I have EVER come across on Newgrounds. The first thing I want to address and will probably make the center of my complaint is the 'Energy' mechanic. This..'game mechanic' is fucking dumb. It is BEYOND frustrating to deal with and makes no sense for a PORN. GAME. No matter what other features you put on your game, the end result is the very same: it's a game to jerk yourself off and potentially have fun with the beautiful art--which I will address--and some side mechanics just so this isn't some kind of interactive book for porn. Yet the energy feature is just the most blatant middle finger to the audience as you are essentially just making people wait painstaking minutes to hours--if you run out of energy completely--for every other scene. That is a HORRIBLE mechanic to include into THIS type of game. That type of strategy only works for games that require players to think and strategize about their moves against enemy AI or players, to allow them to make smart and tactical decisions, NOT for them to just with their fucking dick in hand to jerk off once more to the game. By limiting the player's chances to go through the game at their own leisure and admire the work is by far the worst thing you could have ever placed into the game. For the life of me, the ONLY reason why I can see this mechanic is added into the game is just to make profit for the creators, but even then I don't see why that would be the case because unless someones really desperate to interact in a sexual environment to see a manga character, then no one would be willing to pay for more energy or to wait for God knows how long to see a CUTSCENE.

I could gripe on that mechanic alone for hours upon end, but I am nowhere finished with the errors this game has. Apparently, Kinkoid has a fetish for time as interacting with each cutscene takes four seconds--and yes, I actually fucking counted that long--before the next scene plays over. While I did initially write this off as just allowing the game to operate smoothly, I went back to check out an earlier scene and guess the hell what..I could move in between those scenes just smoothly. So my question is why the hell do the players have to wait even longer to see the admittedly well-drawn scenes? Yes, I'll admit this is a very nit-picky aspect on my behalf, but this problem just adds onto the energy mechanic as above as it makes the game look laggy and poorly designed. My second issue with the game is the music, and albeit it's not as big of an issue to me. The music is annoying and repetitive at times, but it's mostly harmless in most senses...except during the beginning where I am forced to listen to that annoying song and unable to mute it at all and you're forced to listen to it over and over as you slam down on your mouse button multiple times to hurry the starting screen up just so you could go and mute the sound.

The ONLY good things this game has going for it is the art and /SOME/ of the UI interface. The art is beautiful and well worth the quality of a professional porn game, and the sex scenes themselves are pretty good as well. Yet the slow mechanics and the irritating controls at times make the art seem to fade into the background. It's a real damn shame too as this isn't a bad game IF you get rid of the energy mechanics and fix the pacing.

The art is good, the combat mechanics are decent, and the story is pretty unique, but the horrible pacing and the shitty mechanics are the major problems to this game. I WANT to give this game high ratings, I want to see this game as something amazingly well done, but I can't even bring myself to give this game one star as the energy mechanics demand too much time out of the player. It takes away the joy and leisure that games should have, and ESPECIALLY so for porn games. The biggest thing that makes me angry about this game? It's done on a high budget by talented people. Over one thousand dollars per month is given to the creators, and with these talented individuals, you could tell they could create beautiful games if their heart was in it. Yet this isn't the case. No, instead you have people who don't care for their game and instead only focus on making cash over creation.

I understand that it's hard to make a good profit out of these types of games, and I can't blame the makers and workers wanting to have some sort of steady revenue. I can tell this game wasn't cheap nor easy to make, but to see this kind of work put into it and treated this poorly is just painful. Hell, if they had removed the energy mechanic and instead placed in a payment for the game, or make it free all-together I can see this being MUCH more popular. Hell, if they just make this completely free and remove the energy mechanic, and shift attention to making a porn game that you pay for, I could see people buying it. Fuck, I would probably buy it myself.

This review was harsh, I know that, but to see something so amazing be turned into..THIS is just disgusting. If someone has the time, patience, and willingness to see this game through, I can ensure you that they will be rewarded for doing so..but for those who don't have time to spare, or want to enjoy themselves in a game, then I can assure you that this game is the last thing you want to check out. Until this game changes, I will keep a zero star review and make this one of the most disappointing games I have ever come across on Newgrounds.

Kinkoid, if you see this please know that I want to support and give your game a better and in-depth chance to explore, but because of the aforementioned issues, I cannot do so. I'm sorry to say all of that, but this needed to be said.


Kinkoid responds:


First of all, thank you for your comment. Even if it seems that you find the game full of flaws, it's still nice to see that our players care about the game to give their full opinion whether or not they like it ;) so thanks for that :)

Glad also that you enjoy the art :) We are dedicated to provide high quality drawings along with fun stories!

We understand some of your points even though they might be a little rough ;p but we see what you mean. The good news is that a new rebalancing is coming up very very soon so all the energy system along with a lot of things will be changed. A beta version is already running now, and the testers really enjoy the new changes as the game flow will be definitely faster and less demanding :)

Hope you will enjoy it :) It will be very interesting to see if your opinion changes after that. Maybe you will even give us then a 5 stars-rating! We hope so anyway ;)


Kinkoid Team

wont load says 'hentai heroes sent a invalid response'

fuuuuuuuuuuuck hentai heroes omg