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Reviews for "Miss.Dynamite Halloween"

Good but I give you a 0 for style cause...

Because I am sick of perverts getting high marks. Just like I said, a women is called a women not a chick.


mwah I like the other movies more

Could be better.....

ENGLISH PLEASE..... how do you expect ANYONE that does NOT speak a foriegn language to get ANY of the humor??? I am sure it was there, but I had to dub the 3 Stooges over it to make it funny!!!!

Sirkowski responds:

Fix your sound blaster... or clean your ears.

That wasn't as good as the others...

That one wasn't nearly as good as the others were, and the "tips" were just silly.... plus it was too short! And in some parts it was hard to understand what the characters were saying.

To the last guy who reviewed this: I probably wasn't paying attention again(exam stress), but I didn't hear the word "chick" or see anything remotely perverted in that movie. Perhaps your attention span is even slimmer than mine-- not only because of the above but also because you can't even spell "woman" properly! (what the hell are you, some male feminist?!) Laugh a little!


Pretty much everything the guy below me said.