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Reviews for "Uddertale - DoxyGames"


roses are red
violets are blue
react to this
and god will forgive u too


how do i leave my room lmao

I cannot express enough how utterly repulsed I am by this game on Newgrounds. The very premise of an 18+ game involving intercourse with a goat is not just disturbing—it’s downright depraved. I am shocked, appalled, and disgusted that something so vile exists on any platform, let alone one that can be accessed by a wide audience.

To the creator of this atrocity: what were you thinking? Did you honestly believe that anyone with a shred of decency would find this acceptable, let alone entertaining? This isn’t pushing boundaries or being edgy; it’s crossing a line that should never be crossed. The fact that you conceived, developed, and released this game says volumes about your utter lack of judgment and moral compass.

The concept alone is enough to make anyone with a sense of morality cringe. Intercourse with a goat? Really? This isn’t just a lapse in taste; it’s a deliberate choice to indulge in the most base and repugnant ideas imaginable. There is nothing remotely funny, clever, or interesting about this premise. It’s purely revolting and serves no purpose other than to shock and offend.

The absence of any storyline or context only makes things worse. There’s no attempt to justify or explain this disgusting premise. It’s just a series of grotesque scenes with no coherence or meaning. It’s clear that the creator put no effort into developing a narrative or any semblance of depth. Instead, they opted for shock value, thinking it would be enough to captivate an audience. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

The content of this game is not only offensive but also potentially harmful. It normalizes and trivializes behavior that is not just socially unacceptable but also illegal and immoral. This isn’t just bad taste—it’s dangerously irresponsible. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes and could easily be misconstrued by those who are impressionable. The creator’s decision to produce and share this game is not just baffling but also reckless.

To anyone considering playing this game: don’t. Don’t give it your time, your attention, or your support. There is nothing to gain from exposing yourself to such filth. It’s a waste of time and a stain on your psyche. There are countless other games out there that respect their audience and offer real entertainment without resorting to such disgusting and demeaning content.

The fact that this game even exists is a testament to the darkest corners of human imagination—a place where decency and respect are completely absent. It’s a reminder that there are individuals out there who will go to any lengths to shock and disturb, regardless of the consequences or the damage they might cause. This game is an embodiment of everything that is wrong with unchecked creative freedom.

In conclusion, this game is by far one of the most vile, repugnant, and unnecessary creations I have ever encountered. It fails on every conceivable level—not because of graphics or gameplay, but because its very existence is an affront to decency. The creator should be utterly ashamed of themselves for inflicting this abomination upon the world. I cannot stress enough how much I despise this game and how strongly I advise everyone to avoid it at all costs.

If you value your sanity, your sense of decency, and your respect for yourself and others, steer clear of this game. It’s not worth a second of your time. The creator’s lack of judgment, taste, and moral fiber is evident in every aspect of this deplorable excuse for entertainment. This game is a blight on the gaming community and a perfect example of what should never, ever be created.

Save yourself the disgust, the offense, and the moral indignation. Avoid this game like the plague. It’s nothing but a dark, twisted, and utterly unacceptable piece of garbage that should never have seen the light of day.