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Reviews for "Intruder CT 2X"

Doesn't Work For Me, Screen Is Not Following The Player When Walking

mmankt responds:

install the latest flash player, use chrome/firefox, clear browser cache..

Hardly even a sequel, more like an expansion pack.
Why even have a crosshair and laser sight if your gun is going fire consistently below where you're aiming?

mmankt responds:

plz tell me what you expect from a sequel.

I usually don't like this type of game, but it was good. I like the moving/scrolling effect and overall it looked very polished.

Variety of weapons was great. The only thing that seemed a little limited was level areas

My review of CoD 2D, uh, I mean Intruder Combat Training 2X.

This game does indeed have fairly good graphics for its type.
Performance wise, the game ran fine for me. Which is good since the first one I had to put on low.

Now the problems.

The first being that the screen is too small. You couldn't make it any bigger at all? It can be hard to see things at times. Like mines and sometimes grenades are practically impossible to see.

There were also a few things that REALLY bugged me.
Map size is tiny.. I get that you can't have one too large since flash is limited, but still. Would have been nice to see a few big maps or even one.
The spawning. God, the spawning in this. The spawn protection helps, but it still doesn't fix being spawned next to two to three enemies in the later missions.
Speaking of enemies, the AI is, well, not that great. I had a few derp out and try to shoot a mine behind a tiny hill endlessly.
Every now and then, I had a bot walk up against a wall and just press its face against it as though it was trying to escape the map.
They are also very suicidal, dropping down right in front of me when I have a shotgun.
I get that it is hard to program AI, even more so in a flash game that is limited by a fair amount, but the enemies just run straight for you, they never back up slowly as they shoot or anything like that.

Now the weapons. Good variety I guess, but they tend to feel all the same. That is, the machine guns don't fire all that too fast, they act more like semi-auto guns. The shotguns all feel like they do roughly the same damage. The pistols are a little different and so are the heavy weapons, so that was nice.

I found that the guns felt very strange to fire. I couldn't really guess where the shot was going to go until I fired due to the bullet drop for each gun changed slightly. The aim was all over the place at times. If it was flinch from being shot, I guess that makes a bit of sense, but I shouldn't look like I'm having a fit while trying to shoot. I fired the guns semi-auto since you can pretty much fire at the same rate, but not lose accuracy so it wasn't that the cone of fire was getting larger. Crouching did help though.

Another thing with the guns is that you can just fire off into the distance with your pistol (since it has unlimited ammo) and pretty much kill anyone down that hallway without any trouble what so ever.

The movement felt clunky, very slow and occasionally unresponsive at times. It was like I was pulling a ball and chain around while also having a bar fridge attached to my back.

I also noticed that there was quite a lot of things that was reused from the previous game. Now, I'm not saying you can't use things from your previous parts, but it makes it feel less fresh and more.. stale and reused.

I feel as though the outfits selection and the weapon selection were better looking in the first.
You could swap the hats/helmets and vests and pants rather than being stuck with speed, ammo and health with different paint jobs.

Overall, the game was okay. It was short and a bit fun, but not something I'd come back to play again.

mmankt responds:

Good review, thx.
-screen size: a bigger screen would kill performance.
-maps are designed to be action packed (perfect for 4 and total mayhem for 6) also i got limits on how much gfx i can push. I also consider "snow" to be a quite large map
-spawning, endless story. you got spawn protection ,stay sharp. i explained this a million times. at least bots don't spawn on you anymore that was a real challenge.
-enemies can randomly derp at times, but overall they are challenging and relentless.
-guns are designed to be all good in their class with small variety on stats, i don't liek when there's only one good good in a game.
-bullet drop is bigger cuz the player's view is small and i want the players to take gravity into account. if it was more real there would be no point in different ammo types. the bullets are way faster and have less drop than in the first one btw. you get bigger recoil when you get hit.
-totally don't get your movement issues. you know you can sprint right. and theres a class with really fast movement.
-list of reused things: explosion /fire animations, death animations, some sounds - don't change something that's good. so considering everything else is brand new or repainted your point is BS.
-customization, well i actually prefer a more refined clothing, i'll bring back the custom heads in 3rd if theres one.

Overall plz don't forget that this is a free flash game made by one person with 0 budget. Cheers;)

The wait was worth it! Awesome dude!