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Reviews for "Gravity Ball 2"


I'm a modest fan of breakout style games, but this one was kinda bad because of the fact that the ball has to bounce of the paddle (hah hah I already laughed at what I typed) many times to get to a decent height and speed.


not too hard, not too easy. good game.

WOOT!! ALL MY 10 R BELONG 2 THIS!!!??!!!

^_^ That OWN3S

A new spin on an old, old game

Graphics: I gave it an 8. I've seen a whole lot worse. There are only a few minor things keeping its score from a 10. I noticed a few visual glitches such as the ball looking as if it went through the paddle. Excellent otherwise.

Sound: I liked what I heard. I dislike almost all forms of music, so I won't bother rating the music. The sound was okay, sometimes the 'bounce' didn't line up correctly with when the ball hits something.

Interactivity: It's a fncking game, you nitwits! It should always have a 10! It also had a password... Interesting.

Style: Where the game really shines. Arkanoid was a fav'rite time waster of mine years ago. Needless to say, after a while it got really boring and repetitive. This reincarnation is definently better than any of its predessessors. The whole gravity idea is original and a very welcome addition. The different levels were all very amusing, including the last level, despite its difficulty.

Violence: Unless you consider crushing bricks violent, uhhhh, nope.

Humor: I got a chuckle out of the trashcan level, as well as the basketball level. The new assitions such as the rings also recieved a little smirk.

ATTENTION MORONS: This game is not Arkanoid. It is similar. It was not advertised as being Arkanoid. It was advertised as being a unique paddleball game, which it without a doubt accomplishes. Also, if you are going to rant about not liking a game, please give good, logical reasons why.

d00d THIS GAME SUXX ASSD -is not a good review.

I gave it a 9 overall, just because I am extremely nitpicky. Excellent score. It was also the first game to move me to speak. Thank You.

Great Job!

Cool and addictive game. Reminds me of crack. Keep up the good work. Bye!