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Reviews for "Perdition"

Love the feel and the story, but it froze on me and there seems to be no ducking option. Four out of five till this is fixed.

Carrill responds:

Can you PM me more specific details as to how your game froze?

Wow. This is an excellent combination of a biblical-style parable and a cautionary sci-fi story. I admit, I was confused for a while; in fact, it took me until my second play through before I finally figured what was really going on. It's interesting how neither deity is particularly benevolent, but were are left to decide which one was truly worse. One of the names is a blatant angram; the other one has some relevant words mixed in.

The graphics are well done. The burning sun behind the destroyed landscape looks awesome, as do the strange mechanical walls and ceilings. The flashing red wires add to the mystery. When I finally realized what they represent in the story, they seemed even cooler. Also after playing three times to reach the "true ending," watching Eve make her way in the more natural landscape with trees, grass, and a clear sky was nothing short of refreshing.

There are some great scripted moments, as well. The scene where Eve ascends to meet Gomadi is quite intense. I have to admit, I was excited watching the screen scroll up as Gomadi told me his back story. It was rather breathtaking when the stars started to appear, and Gomadi's entrance is pretty dramatic.

The music is remarkable. Haunting, and appropriate for the environment. On my second playthrough, when I understand more about what was going on, I noticed how appropriate some of the tracks were for certain locations.

I hate to say anything bad about a game with this much artistic quality... but I did find the gameplay to be a little bland, and at times, frustrating. Everything works well enough. The controls are mostly smooth and I didn't run into any of the glitches and freezes everyone keeps mentioning. But some stretches of the game (depending on which path you're taking) can be a bit boring. Honestly, I didn't want to replay it after my first endings. I ran into a few dreaded "blind falls," where I was forced to drop down onto some spikes or an enemy without being able to see where I was going. And while moving platforms always annoy me, the way they tend to sink under environmental hazards in this game was pretty tough. The slow firing speed of the gun also ended my game a number of times (though I see below where you tell a reviewers how to upgrade the gun with android life force. That fits into the theme). Understand, I'm not saying the gameplay is bad. The majority of the game is enjoyable. It just it feels shallow and repetitive compared to the story and the philosophy.

However, I have replayed it. Twice, in fact, and I plan on going back for the last ending and the rest of the medals soon. That's a sign that you succeeded, just more on the literary end than the mechanical end.

Bottom line, it's a very good project.

I few points to ask you about regarding the story, but I don't want to spoil anything here, so I may PM you.

Wow. Just...Wow. The utter feeling this game makes...Dear god. Okay, where do I begin? First off. The jump. Yes, it's a bit...uncontrollable...But (To me at least) it feels like the game works around this, making platforming a more...strategic I guess, more than just a "go forward and jump where there's a gap/higher platform" You have to stop, decide the best positioning, and slowly get there. Though, it would help to have a ledge grab...

Second. The audio. It's TOO good. It got to the point where I HAD to put it on mute, because when the third command came, I WAS WHEEZING. Though I will admit, I have a bit of a weak heart (And eating pretzals by the handful doesn't help.) Still. LoPintoSound, you did an amazing job, my heart's just too much of a wimp to take it.

Third. The Story. SWEET GEEBUS CHRIST ON A BICYCLE WITH HIS SANDALS, IT'SA GLORIOUS. Just. My god. It's depressing dark, disturbing as SHIT, and though-provoking. It's just amazing.

Conclusion: Why the hell are you looking down here?! PLAY THE DAMN GAME.

This game is good, perhaps a bit sluggish, and I haven't gotten all endings, like I said. It's a bit sluggish. The difficulty is just fine. What I like best is the story, it's superb. I'm not going to spoil anything though. Play the game for yourself. I will say that it seems highly inspired by a very similar game to it. Whether this is true or not, I don't know. Still, good job.

Since I dont know how to make games I can't even understand how much work it takes to make a game like this so if you think this is a great game then I would have to take your word for it. I will say though it took too long to get going, you cant just expect someone to be ok with jumping platforms for half an hour ok not everyone has a P.H.D. in platform jumping. If it werent for the compelling premise I woulda probably quit after the first few times I died but I had to keep playing. I didnt care to finish the game though but Im not really a strong willed gamer so nice work for getting someone like me to even play a game like this though I regret how much time I spent playing it. Still though, well done.