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Reviews for "Return to Tolagal"

Well done, bravo.

My only issue is how overpowered that the ranged units tend to be, especially the skeleton archers.

Interesting game. The keyboard keys are not working (space, WASD, arrows, etc).

mattahj responds:

Try right clicking, then clicking on the game window if this happens. It's because the iframe newgrounds puts the html5 canvas in loses focus, so keyboard events stop being passed to it :(

Found a Bug! On the Brownish flor it haened two times in a row to me that a warlock, that created a zombie directly after my turns where finished, happened to leave me without any AP for the next round, so I couldnĀ“t continueing

Nice game though

Great game dude! I am still vitiated although some monsters are buffed as shit.

Funny fact: You can easily regenerate health by hitting a barrel, weapon pedestal or box with a charged vampiric weapon.

The update is a big improvement, the extra health and starting shield make a big difference in being able to get past the first level. I found the tutorial to be unhelpful (seriously, this is the first tutorial I've died on!), and ended up having to learn everything by trial and error. I died many, many times. Before the update, I never even made it to the fifth floor, and only rarely made it to level 2. I think the victory screen was weak, because while I am happy to see that the game was not infinite, it did not really do justice to how much effort I actually put into getting to the end screen.

The easiest way to win this game is to corner the enemy AI, which accounted for all the deaths of multiple wizard rooms and the archers that plague early levels. I found that the easiest way to level up was to mess up a summoner AI and then farm their weak skeletons. It would be nice if the player could get ranged weapons as well, maybe make their attack have a higher AP cost or something. I liked the basic mechanic, I would like to see it applied to more complex tactics (party based, perhaps?) and applied to a well-crafted story.

One very simple thing that would make the game feel more immersive would be to have a lore blurb when you selected 'what's this?' on a throne or arcane symbol.

A character creator would be a nice addition, if nothing other than to let us play palette swaps of the nameless protagonist.

All in all, a good game, but it seems too bare-bones to really shine, and ends up feeling more like a demo of a larger game.

mattahj responds:

Hi! I totally agree with you about the tutorial - I'm planning to completely re-write it the next time I get some free time. I would like it to be similar to the tutorial from Hoplite (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magmafortress.hoplite&hl=en_GB).

The lack of story & ending is the next thing I'm going to work on after the tutorial. Then after that I will add some more levels to the dungeon & more item types. The game isn't really 100% finished - I've been working on it alone for a while and just needed to get some other people to look at it :)

Thanks for the comments (you & everyone else who has commented here at newgrounds). Everything is really useful and helps shape the game going forward.

p.s. the lore blurb when inspecting thrones/etc is a great idea! I'm 'aving that!