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Reviews for "Frak Legacy"

The animation is awesome and the voice acting is superb. The only downside to this animation is that the character pretty much just says " Fuck you " the entire time, and the only joke I found a bit funny was the joke about the guy's haircut. I understand the game is difficult, but I'm sure you could have been more creative.
Other than that, good job. I can't wait to see more.

Not bad, but not gret eighter, you need more jokes or atleast a plot written more. So I give 3 stars

The animation is excellent, the art is top-notch. But there's nothing particularly funny or witty about this. It's just kind of....meh.

Couldn't even watch it because it wouldn't load. But I still saw some.

Didn't know saying "fuck you" a bunch of times was considered comedy. When the first line in a video is "take my gold bitch" it's pretty obvious that this is already trying too hard to be funny.