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Reviews for "Road Of Fury"

It was fun for a while Then it got boring I like the Grahpics but you could have put a purchasing slot so we could have added more cars other than that stuff it was a fun game I rate 8!

very much awesome!

Music - reptitive, but still fitting
Vehicular variety

Lack of true "aim"
Only one level
Obvious disparity of power between vehicles


It's a fun little romp with an intuitive control scheme and a nice time-waster feel to it, but it suffers from a few frustrating elements. For one some cars are more "filler" than useful, as you'd only use them for as long as you'd need until you get the ones worth their, um, worth. I'm not saying scaling or progression isn't needed, but certain combinations are much better than others as pointed out by Urnam04 in which line/spread fire weapons are better than cluster shots.

At the same time, I'm more than a bit irritated at the lack of a true form of line-damage. Deadly scenarios often involve a shield-truck as my closest target with a bunch of rocket launcher trucks coasting along happily blowing up my cars because they're safe behind a wall of cannon fodder.

With the game forcing you to strike only the nearest enemy, the challenge feels artificial in that the targets you want to hit will be the ones you hit last, usually after several seconds of carving a path to them by which time you've taken far too much damage to recover and last much longer.

Also pointed out by RogueDragonKnight, the air targets are a complete nuisance. I understand that having only ground enemies would mean not needing to aim at all, but since all weapons converge on the mouse pointer it's a constant juggle between the two which usually leads to overwhelming odds for one or the other at any given time. Maybe add automatic anti-air features to certain vehicles? Nothing to wipe out the sky in a single blast, but some flak at intervals would be helpful.

This game though nicely put together, feels unfinished. You're literally grinding the same level over and over and though the power ups are cool and you can upgrade relatively quick the pattern remains the same; with little in the way of variety when it comes to enemies. However on the bright side its nice to see a road warrior game that doesn't have zombies in it for a change. But again it's just a slightly more tactical version of "Earn to Die" which has all the excitement of watching a game play itself. I'm guessing future versions will probably have more challenges.

IriySoft responds:

hehe in the first game concept draft we did have zombies %))) But they were eliminated by the hi-tec bandits (since we decided it will be toooo similar to Earn To Die...).

Good game

1. Graphics
2. Depth of strategy
3. Boss

1. The last few cars weren't the best cars in the game, which makes the end anticlimactic. I ended up beating the game using the Ram, Berzerk (Time Stop is a little overpowered as it's the best special ability in the game), and Booster for the spare dispenser (the Laser wasn't very useful)

2. Uneven car and weapon progression. Minigun and Rockets were best weapons, Railgun was useful against land enemies before you could get Rockets, but Grenades and Lasers were too limited to be useful, making their cars less than ideal and for the purposes of this game practically useless.

1. Repetitiveness. I couldn't give higher than an 8 for a game that made me do the same thing over and over and over... Maybe after a while you can give the player the option to skip the first 500 or 1000 meters or whatever

IriySoft responds:

Going to improve Laser and Railgun in the update. We had several ideas about how to avoid repetitiveness but had to go with the current set up due to the luck of dev time.