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Reviews for "A small talk"

I cried. This is the best thing. It's so emotional. I would love to read some of the crime novel the AI wrote!

Fun, albeit depressing, game. I'd enjoy it if LDAC recognized sci-fi references (reversing the polarity of something, firing phasers or proton/photon torpedoes, turning on the improbability drive, 42). It'd be nice if one of them resulted in a win scenario, but I guess that misses the point.

I don't know why people keep saying that the AI (LDCA) is almost flawless, almost all the questions i asked were either responded: "i don't understand" or "interesting, but no idea what you're talking about". It was an awesome game, i loved the concept, but i would like a more understanding experience, the Ai was never responding well to my questions, and it ruined my experience a bit. At first i thought that was the objective, make the player feel the frustration of an incomplete bot that can't answer your questions, but then i read the comments and everyone is praising the Ai. I don't understand, but well, it was an awesome experiment, i would love to se a more complete version of this, with more context and background... the ending twist was genious. Thank you for doing it 5/5 =D

My lord. That was brilliant, I found the game very well done. Especially if you ask for the lights to be turned on and look around. Going for the second medal now.

Very great game. Though you can teach the AI some casual phrases. Also some bugs need to be fixed:
-Why do we have an AGS?
-AGS stands for blah blah blah
-Yeah but why do we have it?
-I dunno understand you.
-Why do we have an AGS?
-Ags stands for blah blah blah...
-I choose the pod.
-*information about the pod*
-Yeah I choose the pod.
-*more info*
-AI, I choose the pod.
-*more info*
-Y u no lemme choose?
But really great game, epic theme. Maybe you can make a 2nd game after you finish this game. Like, I don't know. Maybe you'll crash into a planet and it turns out AI somehow crashed on the planet before you. Now he hates you and controls the planet etc etc.
Basically, great game. I hope the bugs will be fixed on the full version. And a 2nd would be awesome.