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Reviews for "Obliterate Everything 2"

This game is epic. I thought it was waaaay too hard. Then I realized you could pause. Now I don't have too much of a problem, beat most maps in one or two tries. This game demands good tactical "team" construction (Certain types of games demand different combinations of fighters, turrets, and other stuff), forward thinking base construction (it's the most frustrating thing in the world to be stuck in a loop, with both your fighters and the enemy fighters unable to break through to the opposing base, as there is no "delete/ sell structure" button.) and understanding of how to efficiently use your energy (I actually use mining ships a lot later in the game). The game is quite difficult but rewarding, and unique enough that I feel this is one of the best flash gaming experiences I've ever had. Only problems I have with it are the lack of a way to remove or move buildings and some of the black hole maps are definitely way too hard. The difficulty should be decreased a little bit, especially in the maps with the infected. Solid 4.5, maybe even a 4.75

1) cant beat in 20 mins. You can? Must be made of god like win craitos. Pure undiluted win of a super saiyajin caliber.

2) Cant beat at all. Game makes me rage no matter what i do and just because it makes me ragey doesnt mean i'm going to buy premiums to play. Oh no. It simply ensures that i will not buy the premiums, But up to a point it's great fun. i'd have given a 5 for it in fact, but the fact that the difficulty curve is so steep, and that i dislike dying 500 times to try a tactic that -may- work but doesnt, ultimately makes this a waste of my time i dont really enjoy. When enemies can instantly start producing units that cost 3000 and have a full base while i have less than 2500 to start with, And they swarm within seconds no matter what one does, I cant rightly say that's at all giving someone a chance. In fact that alone drops the rating. But the premiums too. On such a linear game. . . and not even an mmo. an even 3.

Nice game. Lots of tactics to try.

Who in their right mind would purchase any of the premium items for a flash game that can be beat in less then 20 min absolutely no replay value. Other then that great game very challenging. for those stuck on some duel levels try pausing the game and using the constructor to reach out toward the enemy base then use the missile racks before they get a chance to build.

really great game. fun and just simple all together. pro tip tho. units that swarm is the best option.