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Reviews for "Zombogrinder 2"

A decently made game no doubt, Though It was too easy and short. I literaly Beat the game under 34 minutes, Still it was rather entertaining and gave me something to kill the time with And I thank you for that but still. If you plan on making a part 3 to this You should Include more zomibes, more levels, better upgrades....Just pretty much double everything and added a few new things like more game creators do...point is you need more creativity and try to make the game look like you didn't create it during the weekend...again It was a pretty fun game

Mindless,uninspired and probably banged out in a weekend.Most Box10 games are like this,unfortunately.Would like to see a game made with passion and pride.

im giving this the lowest i can because almost all of your audio is stolen...and i say stolen because valve would never sponsor a free game....it was decent but dragged on by far to long. oh ya did i mention your audio is stolen from DotA. im a beta tester for DotA 2 bro i recognized the ultrakill and mega kill instantly. maybe if you tried harder on your own work i would have given you a better score but as it stands its a ZERO.

Emelman responds:

Multifrag / multikill (born multifrag, multikill, «Multiple Kill") - get a few kills in a short period of time or for simultaneous killing two or more opponents. Usually for multifraga must have enough playing skill. For the first time the term appeared in the game Unreal Tournament 1999. Powerful weapons in this game can kill the enemy for a few seconds, but as players move very fast, make it difficult. To get multifrag, kill the enemy within 5 seconds after the assassination of the previous one and it does not die yourself. Each is accompanied by a characteristic remark multifrag commentator: Double Kill, Multi Kill, Ultra Kill, Monster Kill. There is also a special string mode Capture The Flag: Double Kill, Triple Kill, Mega Kill, Ultra Kill, Monster Kill, Ludicrous kill, Holy Shit!
The idea multifragov Unreal Tournament moved not only in its later versions, but in the other games, often borrowed original reports commentator (so, for example, arrived in DotA). To date includes many variations of multifragov, but such success in Unreal Tournament in 1999 they had not.

PS This information is taken from the wikipedia. All sounds and music have been taken from the free portals. For the future, do not write anything if you do not know about it.