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Reviews for "Sift Heads Assault 3"

I really think you should continue the original sift heads because it really was just the best sniper game on the web and still is.
You could maybe carry it on somehow just please find a way.
This game is alright but still is nothing compared to the normal sift heads.

Lower The Quality To play Better or Lower them to fully enjoy the glitches?

I'd like to start saying I'm a Fan of the Sift Head Games, and they all have some trouble, in the gameplay and all, but this one is just way too terrible.

There's so many glitches that can't be noticed at first. Like how long everything takes, from "running" to shooting, and many many times the controls just don't respond. At first I blamed the graphics and though "Damn maybe I do need to lower the graphic quality", and so I did. But NO. The glitches continued. And Now I was playing a terrible game, with terrible controls, gameplay and horrendous quality !

The worse glitches are when the controls don't respond at all, when the character just keeps sprinting to one side of the screen none-stop until he's shot dead, or when he's stocked sprinting but not moving and you can't move him until he's shot dead or one of those annoying running dues grabs you and you break free.

Also, is there really any goal to this? Other than buying the Over Expensive items? It just feel's hollow to me. That Being Said I won't even go into how repetitive and annoying the "enemies" are.

The hiding places stink, the fact that you can't be covered and shot at the same time is annoying, and the aim is suckish. Also, the fact that you can't reload until the bullet clip is finish and you can't just keep shooting because clip doesn't automatically reloads! Frustrating!

Oh, about that overpriced, and yet little quantity of weapons and equipment available... Bad.

"TL;DR? This game is full of glitches (even with low quality), that make this impossible to enjoy. They NEED to be corrected! The game also lacks variety of enemies, goals and equipment."

The worst part, or, actually, the only good part, is that this is not part of the Sift Head "official" story-line, it would be such a pitty. And it is a great pitty to play suck a horrible game, with it having "Sift Head" as part of the title.

Then again, I'd like to remind everyone that I'm a big fan of the games and it is exactly because I'm such a great fan that I have to point all this out! And actually if you only corrected this mistakes the game would be unbelievable! But it isn't.

And I'm sorry But until this is corrected I can't keep playing this, so much lag in the controls, even with low quality, so much glitches... It's just frustrating.

Hope this actually helps to correct this mistake and let it never happen again! Enjoy your Star and a Half.

It could've been a great game, but it's slow and it keeps freezing.. I'm not sure if it's me or the game.. But I can't play properly, so I didn't finish the whole thing. I can't really judge this game, but the graphics are superb.

Pretty hard. It was a cool idea, but not well executed.

1 thing . wow. F*CK YOU! shockwave crashed! kiss me arsehole