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Reviews for "Justins Mind"

Delightfully disturbing, but I suggest that the "E" rating be changed.. this isn't exactly an "everyone" kind of game. I, personally, would have found the intro creepier if it had just been white scratchy text, but that's just me. I think you pulled this game off nicely, even with room for improvement. Good job.

WrinkledArt responds:

Hi BludThursty,
Thank you. Yes, it was a mistake I made, the rating is now changed. Thank you for pointing it out for me.

Was that a David Firth character in the end scene?..

Odd that I have the same name as Justin in this game I wunder....

Well made. Just, one thing, as my fellow reviewers have stated...

This needs to be rated Mature. Definitely not Teen.

Artistic and original. However, the mechanics pertaining to the movement of the main character are reduced to a search for the lost pixel, thus degrading the whole experience.