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Reviews for "Gobots"

it's pretty buggy, feels horribly slow and is rather unforgiving before getting to level 5 but is still a nice idea. Here are some bugs:
âEU¢ Structures can be repaired well beyond their original health
âEU¢ XP points just go missing when you attempt to buy upgrades (even if you don't have the right amount)
âEU¢ The task queue starts dropping things if you go over 3 moves
âEU¢ Trees (maybe scenery in general) can become accessible for no apparent reason when at the edge of the screen
And here are some general gripes:
âEU¢ No mute for the game
âEU¢ First five levels can only be played one way to get beyond them
âEU¢ No idea how skills go up naturally, woodcutting goes up like nobody's business but mining is slow and repair takes forever (only ever used upgrades to increment repairing)

This could be a great game, but later on in like day 10 it lags so much. Making it from day 1 to be only 2 mins, in day 10 it's 10 minutes per day and it keeps increasing and increasing. And there's allot of
bugs, I'm surprise no one else mentioned this, but if one of your buildings get damaged and you repaired it, it will how would you say it, over heal it to infinite until dark. I got my base to heal up to 20x it's health to began with.

Tower defense flash. Graphics are okay and you can tell everything apart. Gameplay was basic and nothing exciting. You should include more upgrades, defenses, and turrets. I was very disappointed that there were zero GoBots in this game.

It needs a lot of work. You'd have been better off waiting til next year. It's too buggy. Some bugs I found:
Performance degrades as time goes on. I'm sitting at about 2 seconds per movement of the sun/moon right now.
Once your gobots run out of energy, they don't need to be filled back up.
You can repair things past their maximum, giving them almost infinite amount of health.
If you are looking at the upgrade tab of one of your gobots and the next day comes, you don't get the XP added for it.
If you have three XP, and want to spend it on something like the Fire, it will deduct points, but won't give you credit for it. It should be that if you click the little plus sign, and you don't have enough points, nothing happens.
The gobots forget their orders after you've queued them up. If you tell them to cut three trees, it will cut one and then stop.
It's hard to click on the gobots, especially if you have more than one.
If you are near the end of the day cycle, and near the left edge of the screen, you cannot control them any more.
After you've killed all the zombots, you have to issue an order twice to get them to do it.
No sound effects. Maybe zombie (zombot) groaning or something? Something to spice it up and make it less mundane.
No pause button, or mute sounds button, or key press, or what have you.
Once you get set up, there is no challenge. Like, I'm sitting at day 15, and can forseeably go into the future, if I had the patience. More zombots spawn, and give you more metal or something to make more gobots. This causes you to be able to out-zerg them, and never lose. Some bosses (cliche, I know) would be nice to make it so that you don't always win once you have a barrier with infinite health set up.

I'd suggest working out these obvious issues and then maybe resubmitting it next year.

Guy-Unger responds:

Now thats a usefull comment :D You are awesome!
I'm working on fixing all of them. I'm having trouble finding out what causes the lag though.

Concept was nice, stuffed up my first game so started another.......to suffer annihilation by an invincible zombot.....way to go