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Reviews for "Gobots"

i cant play the game proberly as it seems that i cant recharge my energy can some one let me know how i click on energy and nothing happens

Sometimes when I buy a building, it doesn't build but the resourses are taken. This is making me lose.

Great game, I really love it and being in what seems like an alpha/pre-alpha stage means it can get better. So here is a list of glitches, things I would like added and things that are great about this game.
1. Buildings can be repaired more then their max health
2.you can press the plus on either fighting or speed and if you have less then 4 points it takes the points anyway and no upgrade
3. if your bar for mining wood cutting or repair is full you can still press plus and spend a skill point on it
4. the space on the far left often glitches when you try to plant a tree there
5. if you die, sometimes when you respawn your castle will have no health in the health bar and zombots are invincible.
6. the way planting and chopping trees queuing works is rather buggy and will often not register orders
7. when you max your mining bar, if you spend somewhere between 2-3 more points on it and do some more mining on around the 13-16th day you r mining will peak and you will gain approximately 1000 iron in 16 seconds (this is the glitch Im still figuring the details on)
8. if you die, when you respawn the music keeps playing, but it also starts playing the music again so you end up hearing 2 songs play at once, if you die again you will hear 3 songs and so on.
9. when you place buildings there is a rare chance that the graphic won't appear once placed, however you robot will still go to fix it, but if he gets caught up or distracted you will lose your building materials and not be able to continue construction.
1. the ability to add or remove buildings
2. the ability to charge during the day using sunlight incase you can't build the charger by day 3
3. the ability to upgrade buildings
4. add defenses to your tower
5. possible more ways to upgrade the robot
6. the ability to control whether you robot fights at night or not
1. it was challenging, you had to have the windmill made by day 2 and the charger made on day 3 if you wanted to stand a chance later, you also had to make sure you were always planting trees
2, the game doesn't have instructions that tell you everything, you actually have to figure out what some stuff is or does.
3. although it was challenging, if you made it past day 14 the only thing you needed then was patience... as for the fact that you should have 1 barricade set up and 4 turrets as defenses.
total score :10/10
I am looking forward to the updates, great game! I hope you make more games.

Guy-Unger responds:

thanks for the list of bugs! it helps allot, and im working on it. about your ideas:
1. the ability to add or remove buildings
jup, being able to destroying buildings is probably a good idea
2. the ability to charge during the day using sunlight incase you can't build the charger by day 3
good idea, ill add that :]
3. the ability to upgrade buildings
I was thinking about it too.
4. add defenses to your tower
you mean like, you can upgrade the defense of the tower?
5. possible more ways to upgrade the robot
i was thinking about some kind of perks for your bots.
6. the ability to control whether you robot fights at night or not
In many tower defense games you play it like: you build towers, wave comes, you build more towers etc etc. My idea for this game was to make the tower building part, uhh more 'alive' i guess? so i think ill keep it like this but let there show up some kind of notification that the wave has begun.

thank you for your kindness, it means allot to me :)

I found a major bug in the game, on night 7 I just built a turret to defend my tower, had my bot go in to recharge and let the turret/wall combo do the work for me...

The bot came out of the charging station when the zombots came and just my bot's head floating, but the station was still draining power at about 3-5 energy points per count... Needless to say I ran out energy within about 2 days and I had no means to cancel the pseudo-charging due to the glitch.

Hope this helps you catch a major bug, I'm enjoying the game a lot otherwise :)

Good game.
But I found a bug. I was repairing my main building. While doing so, I upgraded my repair skills. For some reason, I kept on repairing it, over the max HP, basically, the red line kept on going...
But a good game, non-the less.