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Reviews for "The Fat Anime Collab 5"

if i had a nickle for everyone that sed wtf did ijust watch, id have 3.65
and i only gave it high rating cus its funny


(and I find this filthy colab the funniest thing ever)

well ummmm, congratulations! you have successfully developed something I cant watch all the way through! weird thing is though, I am fine with sexual lobster's videos and I am also fine with mastar ardvark's.. but this... I just don't know. Good work :)

This was a true masterpiece; I was completely drawn into the video when the badger started fapping, well done!

However, the animated feces really took me out of the experience, I mean I wasn't totally convinced I was watching poop come out of an anus. Perhaps you could animate different kinds of stool in order to add a little realism? Also, the poop-joke naysayers on here just don't understand how difficult it is to animate a good dump, so maybe that would help appease them to give you a higher rating next time.

Overall, fantastic!
I'll be watching for the Collab DVD release!

This taught me how to date again. You see, at first I was at split ends on the hairs of numerous parts of my body on trying to entice and attract a decent female. You know, with the given stereotypes that most guys have and develop at such a young age (3 and a fifth years old) of getting to be with a girl that has a slenderman body and looks grudging-ly gorgeous, and I thought to myself "WOW, I can't believe how wrong I was!" And so, I began to hunt with my trusty harpoon on some old fashioned curvy poonani. My hormones drove me to the far end of craigslist, asking numerous women if they would care to join me on a video of cat piss fetish and knee high socks being dipped in gasoline while putting them on your partner and sniffing the lovely, pungent smells that caressed my nostrils with guilt-filled shame. Oh, those were the days, and then I began to think of a way that this could be performed publicly. I searched far and wide for numerous gals that had exceedingly stretched tissue and I began to question them intently, like those guys off of CIS and that one show with the jewish black guy with the taupe (or maybe it was just his pubes ducktaped to his head. I don't know which, I was drunk). At first, they were horrified by my sharp smile that I made with a careful approach, not wanting to run them off, while I rubbed my hands together and asked them "Do you like magic? The gathering?" I mean, that's what I thought bodacious babes with boulder breasts and brooding bods played with each other. That or Pokemon Gold, because bitches love gold, including those with Gold as their last name. But they agreed and we sat down in the park at 9 in the evening and played some card game that I made myself seem that I like because before I found out that women liked paper with art on it and played with the intention of earning more cards and- I don't know where I was meaning to go with this. I apologize dearly. But on the other hand, this collaboration made me realize how much I hate fat women, and want to move on to morbidly obese women. They just don't have the heart that these bigger women have. I once watched on Dr. Oz with my pet remote control and knew that she was right about being beautiful as she was, weighing in at 540 pounds. And she wanted to keep growing. I didn't feel comfortable about it because the audience did not agree, and she was only being thrown butter at. Boy I tell you what, if I was there, I'd have a thing or two to back her up on those lovely chafing thighs. The moral of this example of why I appreciate your collaboration is because I how it relates to my deepest desires to long for a woman to reply to me on craigslist.com on wanting to meet me in my busted down cadillac from 1984 and meet me halfway. But then another problem occurred to me, and that is how these women are animated japanese. Now I had another brain aneurism, yet I fought through it like a cheetah on crack cocaine. And now I sit at home, punching my screen in hopes that I can grab some of that delectable flesh that dangles on hamstrings and armpits, with moist, succulent, preservative-filled insulated walrus meat. I am very glad someone appreciates my desires in this art show of the art show. 10 out of 1 star of david.