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Reviews for "GARE"

its not a bad little game but the upgrades need to be upgraded cause they suck monkey balls, but its a decent game, not to origenal but not bad, work on the upgrades, i give this game 2 and a half stars cause it kept me busy for a bit

Ugh. This game has so much promise, but it's actually very poorly designed. The music is repetitive and unfitting, the game is far too easy, and it gets interesting very slowly. While I like the size of the maps, they are hard to navigate and collect everything on due to a lack of the ability to see an overview of the whole map and see where you haven't already been. Navigation was sometimes annoying when I would get caught on the edges of... stuff.. I'm not even too sure what I'm looking at in the maps actually, the art doesn't really tell me what kind of a place I'm in besides that it's blue. I could literally simply walk through my enemies because it would one shot them and do little damage to myself, thus making guns completely irrelevant until level 4. Then when the boss touched me once and I immediately died, the game was just completely ruined for me. Upgrades, while interesting in design, were few and not too significant. I didn't really ever feel like I was getting any more powerful as the game progressed. Enemies did not get much more interesting, they merely increased in number, and again, I could walk into them so they were no threat. Since it got fun so slowly, and only had 10 levels, it really failed to go anywhere.

I really want to see this game be good, but right now there is nothing that makes this game worth playing. Please make a sequel and really try to focus on giving your audience a reason to play this over any other shooter out there.

I would say the game overall is decent but the fact that the design is constant and never changes along with the fact that u gain way too little money to really buy any upgrades just takes the excitement away

Nice try but the music is a piece of shit and is not very good equipement for mech

Is not very original already exist a los of games of the same kind

Probably one of the easier games ive played. didn't feel any need to upgrade that much troughout the game. but one thing that bugged me the entire time playing it was that it's just a no brainer top down shooter. though with some rather pleasent yet simple graphics. what this game would need to make it stand out in a good way, would be some story of sorts, throughout the game instead of som cramped down text in the author comment.