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Reviews for "Utopian Mining"

Although this type of game has been done before, i felt like this one was fresh.
The music is great, as well as the art style. And the addition of missions was very nice.
I also like the size of the map; It's huge! The upgrades were nice too, but nothing too unique or new.
Medals are another nice add, we all know medals make ANY game better ;).

Great game, i really like it.

Hey Schulles,
I have to admit that your game resembles x-Gens masterpiece "Motherload". Many have already criticized the similarities between the games but "Motherload" is not flawless either. Punctual and precise navigations where mandatory to avoid wracking your rig for just touching the ground with to much force. A fingercramp or control-glitches (they are rare but you notice them as soon as your rig for no reason smashes to the ground after hours of playing ML) ended your endeavor in martian soil.
The missions where kind of an innovation in the genre (I did not find one with missions except for "get rich!" or "gather spare parts to escape the planet") but they consisted only of gathering a certain amount of resources. May be a rescue-mission or exploration of liquid resources would be my suggestion.
By the way I stumbled upon an easter-egg: Gronkh ist the nickname of a German Let's-Player who is sufficient renown to earn profit with his videos. As soon as you mentioned "Wolfram" I knew that you must be from a German speaking country because although it has the letter "W" in the PT of elements it is called "tungsten" in English.
Never the less, keep up the good work!

Schulles responds:

Hey KlausT!
Haha, didn't think someone would recognize his name, guess you're from germany, too! ;)
Yeah, I think every mining game draws some comparisons to motherload, just like every platformer draws some comparisons to mario. Both games were pioneers of their genre and every game that followed had some similarities... It's just about adding something new to it, like in my case missions and rebuilding the town and changing the gameplay as much as you can. I actually enjoyed motherload, but at some parts just didn't like the graphics and the atmosphere too much. I think I played motherload the first time when I was ten or something and after a loooong time I remembered playing it and was like "Mhh... Can I do something like this aswell?" And then I started developing this one here, gave it the atmosphere and graphics I like, added a little plot and did my very best to make it less motherload-like! :) By the way: another inspiration was DIG-DUG of course! :D My father played that a lot when he was a kid...

Oh, and I'm not sure if using the word "wolfram" is actually wrong, because I found it like this in the dictionary: http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed&sectHdr=on&spellToler=&search=wolfram

Thanks for your nice, helpful and motivating review! ;)

Diamonds are kind of pointless, by the time you can mine them, you'll probably already have purchased everything in the store

very neat game here...reminds me of the old QBASIC days :')

quaint relaxing pixel art, kevin macleod's music always impresses, simple but fun and addicting concept. The difficulty balance is weird, as the game progessively gets easier throughout. and its too easy to screw yourself over when first starting the game. Perhaps the game could be better if it was less linear (more varied job objectives and having the option of selecting multiple jobs at once) and some kind of randomization factor when you go underground to mine for materials. Maybe not though- more missions may make the game a repetitive bore, which you did a good job of avoiding. Overall it was a very enjoyable game.

i love this game, i love the music too. the only problem was it was a little short for me.