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Reviews for "PewDiePie Adventures"

I only rate three stars for a few reasons. I'm stuck on the second level, so I can't really give a full review, but I love Pewdie to death and this is a very great way to celebrate being a Bro. But I honestly can't tell if I'm just stuck of if my computer's having trouble with this game. The lilypads don't let me stand on them, which is what I'm guessing I'm supposed to use when to cross over the barbie doll after the Ao Onis. I don't know if I just wait in chair mode or what and then something appears? I might need some help at that part, but, the "jump scare"s keep causing me to pause in my steps in various important spots and make me die and the game itself just turns very very nervewracking the more you go through it and that happens. I have beaten the Ao Oni opener of level 2 about 50 times now and keep dying at the next screen with the barbie. I would personally enjoy a Save Station after the Ao Onis as they're very annoying to deal with in that first part. I loved everything else about this, except as I said, the jump scares lock me in place at points and the lily pads won't let me cross effectively.

Much love, a Bro.

Kwing responds:

I did put a Save Station directly after the Barbie level, but I figured putting them more often would make it too easy. I suggest you watch the lily pads without trying to jump on them first, just to memorize their position and pattern, and then try jumping on them.

i love the game, but my monitor is on a permanently dark setting that the Ole Dole Doff puzzle is impossible because i cant see numbers 2, 4, 6, or 8

Kwing responds:

I suppose you could screenshot that and invert the colors in Paint. I've never heard any complaints about the numbers being hard to read.

The barrels were so stupid, you would have full health and get stuck in a barrel and get insta-killed. Plus, the lagged I experienced was extremely frustrating. Nice tribute though.

Kwing responds:

You might have been hitting a barrel buffed by a statue. Did you untrust it first?

Also, you might try looking at the processes clogging your computer if you had lag.

I can see that you worked hard. I love pewdiepie's videos, which is why I tried to play this. But the barbie level is way too hard and frustrating. Either a save station or a lily pad at the bottom so the player can jump back up again would make it just a little bit easier.
Overall good job, but room for improvement.

Kwing responds:

The point of the Barbie level is that you're not supposed to fall. I realize the Barbie level is hard, but I wanted it to be that way. Just hang in there and 'feel the rhythm with Barbie'.

It's not a bad game, but it does have quite a few things I would consider bugs in it.
~The hitboxes on some enemies (first Jenifer boss battle when she drops down her box seems wider than she is) and barrels (mostly the one by the first teleporting naked guy even after untrusted, box seems a bit taller than the actual barrel) or maybe it's pewdie's hitbox that is a bit off.
~As people have mentioned the part where piggie has to turn into a snake to get under the walls is a little tough because the save station might spawn you out of it's reach. though another bug I noticed was if I jumped a little too early on that part it sometimes warped me back though two walls back to the beginning where I'd need to let myself die to restore my power.
~The biggest complaint I have is probably the voice clips, they are important clips from pewdie and have great quality but... they just play too much, if you run past a save station more than once for any reason, because you fell into it failing a jump or forgot to change characters etc., the "Save station, Gotta love mah save station!" plays multiple times ontop of itself. Also "Chairmode Activated!" can be annoying, especially during the Jennifer fights. it's great to have them in there, but can we have an option to "only play once" or "turn off" maybe even a "randomly play" just because they can grate a bit on your nerves (especially at the piggy snake barrel part).
~Barrel knockback basically locks you into a death roll in most places, especially with a bro or oni behind you. I'm not asking for invincibility frames, because that would make the game too easy, but maybe let the barrel pass though you after knocking you back sometimes.
~The part with "Ole Dole Doff, Kinke Lane Koff, Koffe Lane, Binke Bane, Ole Dole Doff!" may be taking people a while because they keep forgetting there is an "e" in the 1 spot and as such aren't putting the E behind the second "Koff" before Lane. Great puzzle though.
~one pet peve that you struck here was the sending us to external links from ingame buttons without informing us that it would take us there. Not a big deal, but I'd like to know if a button will link me to another site or external spot.
Overall it's a nice quick game, decently executed, well thought out, but with a few bugs that need ironing and if possible some sound options for each action taken by pewdie or the save station.
Thank you for your time in reading this.

Kwing responds:

Thanks for all the tips! It was tough figuring whether normal hitTests or shapeFlags would be better to use, since shapeFlags might have added some exploitable glitches on their own.