what is the exact name of this song and where can i download it it is realy good
what is the exact name of this song and where can i download it it is realy good
Sweet Jesus
OMG this is freaking awsome remix of the Zelda 3 : ALTTP castle! Great works man!
God damn
i never went onto newgrounds music part before, i just started looking through and my god this is awsome. Your overlay as kept the feel of the hyrule castles original sound but then with the backing its completly different but the same very well done.
why is there only 10 outta 10?
IF THERE WEREN'T i'd give this an 11 out of 10! AWESOME! man, truly amazing. I Like you, you're very creative in your music
D*** !!!
What else can I say.
Party on Garth.