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Reviews for "Thoreau"

This game is slower than molasis in January

Is this game supposed to lag? I can't write an acurate review if the lag is too slow to play the game. Average score.

Go away?

Straight at the start when there is the arrow trap I crouched but couldn't get up so I kept sliding until I hit that room that says "GO AWAY"


DUDE!!!!!!!!!! THIS GAME IS AWESOME!! and............................... WEIRD. like LIMBO

3D-xelu responds:


Hard to be hard on it.

There are some good ideas here and given the development time issues like graphics and being bug free are hard to criticize. The music choice was good, and the "story" was kind of obvious if only given the somewhat played out duality of there being a white and black version on the character. Sadly the ending was kind of obvious and looking back on the gameplay didn't really make sense given what you were and what you saw.

Gameplay wise the controls were decently responsive given the fast reaction style gameplay and was probably a main reason the experience was as good as it was. Deaths didn't feel too cheap, though the limited uses of the sight ability means you are forced to play the game two ways. The first is to rush head first and try to dodge on instinct, leaving the game to be very trial and error and the second is to play slowly and be constantly going back and forth from your light source so you can scope out traps and pitfalls. I found the second play style very tedious, especially when I found that aside from pitfalls the "sight" ability could destroy traps before they had a chance to hit you, thus eliminating any aspect of dodging or caution from the gameplay.

If you were to try this concept again in a larger game with more development time, there are a couple things I'd love to see.
1)Have a collection of traps that are indicated as illusions and ones that are real and cannot be dispelled. Whether through a vision or auditory cue it would eliminate the ability for players to speed run through all traps and give the game a consistent sense of intimidating atmosphere.
2)Instead of the sight ability being both your detection and dispel ability all in one separate the two such that the detection power can be used at will and the dispel ability is given very limited uses. This can allow you to create much more devious traps, and some that may appear to be impossible to navigate until you use your detection power and/or dispel power to find a way around them. You could even have it where your detection power plays off the "trust you ears not your eyes" motif where detection would make terrain and non moving objects invisible, but would show you moving traps and obstacles, and would thus show which are soundless illusions and which are real.

All in all had fun with the game, but definitely has a lot of room to grow and improve. Good job.

There are 2 types of bugs

There are 2 types of bugs: bugs and Bugs.

bugs are most irrelevant and don't affect gameplay at all, most of them are graphic issues.

Bugs (with the capital letter) are annoying and prejudice the game experience.

And your game, i'm sorry to tell, has 2 Bugs, 1st, for an unknown reason, it can't use the "SIGHT" function, even with the white eye turned on, sometimes, and need a death to resume. 2nd, before the "boss fight", when he pushes you with force, you may drop down the elevator used before, then you have to slowly walk back to die so you can respawn (I read about it down there after it happened so i could finish the game, in case u ask, no ragequitter here)

I know its jam, 96 hours so i wont take much that in consideration, even great games (like wow) have bugs.

Also, the game is too much slow, the pace i mean... Do u call that running? These 96 hours were for programming, not the time for completion. Haha... joke. But its slow, original idea but not an innovation at all.

At least ran smoothly on my pc, so I guess considering all these things 7 would be fair!

And you got yourself experience! A tip: dont use spacebar on games, many people dislike that, spacebar cant be pressed with many other keys neither too fast, makes too much noise etc.