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Reviews for "Feed Us 2"


I love this game and everything, but im seriously dissapointed. You have an aweeeeessooommmeeee idea, that is a definete. However the execution of the game is poor, and feels as if you have rushed a lot of important stages of this game.
1. Why can't you just click you mouse to get your pirahna to eat stuff or even drag it down into the depths?? It would make it so much simpler. instead you have to waggle your mouse everywhere and hope that the guy doesnt swim away. Major design flaw. -1 point.
2. Another flaw. The fact that the people (who are also very badly animated!) can swim into islands makes this game even more of a frustration!! Another reason why you should be able to drag people down into the deep blue sea. -1 point.
3. Yet another flaw. As the review below me has said, the islands in this game are another good idea poorly excecuted! THEY ARE TOO BIG!! It feels like you are swimming in a cave at times!!! and the teleporters!! WTF! -2 points.

Even through all this however, the game still has its charms. The fresh idea of playing as a pirahna makes this game still bearable, through all of these flaws. If you managed the iron out all these flaws, then this game would be one of my all time favourite games, and i would easily give this a 10.

Controls need help

The concept is interesting and fun. The main problem is the controls. It's hard to navigate sometimes and boost mechanism is very glitchy. It is very easy to get stuck in the landscape.

I would either make it so you keep your size and piranha even if you get eaten by the alligator, take it out completely or fix the glitches. Too many times would I have a large pack and max size only to get stuck in a glitch spot for 20 seconds then have the alligator eat my whole pack.

If there is problems with controlling the game you have to have death penalties be very lenient(close to non existent). I would get upset(happened frequently) where I would get the large group and lose it all because a glitch in the controls/landscape. If you find

Game has tons of potential though, once landscaping glitches and controls are fix this game could be very fun.

so much lag and it ....

is not that detaild i would suggest a more compressed code it might help with the lag

Good Concept

Could be much better. Im going to be generally a little harsher since this is a sequal and generally speaking there are a few too many bugs/mishaps that could have been easily caught by some playthrough testing (most of the issues the reviewers are posting are consistant enough such as the dead alligator and the bouncing back from land). Now some of this may be intentional but has a frustrating effect on gameplay.

- -The largest issue I had with the game was the lack of objectives being displayed while in game. It only notified you if you had completed all the goals, but gave you no idea how many fish you had left to eat or people to kill. And more frustrating was the fact that occasionally when you attacked fish, they ran behind the scenery, never to be seen from again (thus eliminating your ability to finish the level).

- -The other primary issue was the lack of enviroment variety. A couple of different maps would have gone a looong way.

++ On the upside, the upgrade tree was interesting and rewarding with visual effects and they definately had impact on how effectively you devoured your victims. Full marks here. It kept me playing longer than I otherwise would have.

+/-The music was pretty bland, but it didnt detract from the experiance. The sound effects were adequate and appropiate. The sound effect that actually stood out to me was the waves crashing on the shore. It was the most memorable (as I write this).

+/- Overall in the visuals it was a mixed bag. You did a great job with the fish, boats, people, blood effects, but the enviroment was so poor in contrast. Goes back to my variety would go a long way comment.

+ I did like to see that as I upgraded it actually changed my piranha in-game and my "seed" pirhana as well.

Final Comment: All in all, I enjoyed the core gameplay (being pirhana devouring people/objects/everything) but that experiance was marred by small bugs, enviromental issues and a general lack of depth past the skill tree. I would polish the next version (which I fully encourage you to make) to include a variety of maps and scenarios as well as some enemy variety (and meaningful abilities to combat that variety) while still keeping what makes this version fun to play (the core gameplay of eating stuff to get blood to upgrade and get better).

I hope this helped and Good Luck in future flashes! I look forward to Feed Us 3!

so so

it evetualy gets boring but it is fun while it lasts it lasts btw anyone know any cheats