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Reviews for "Feed Us 2"

I hate to give such a low score but...

Alright. I'm a major fan of the first game. )Seriously, Feed us? I put that in my favorits) but this game I can see promising for extreme fun.


The islands? That surface above the water are so massive and big that it makes it diffuclt to fit your big big boats on and tackle these boats. Did I mention they can litteraly drive their boats throug them as well as the fish? What in the hell is that about? So level 2 was a ass hole to beat because the second boat you had to find before it drove behind one of the islands. Not fair, not cool, and over all made it a bitch.

There isn't a lot of space to move. (Seriously, I'm not talking about being under the water) Those massive islands have got to go. The stuff under the water is perfect to my opinion <3 but those islands. No... the boats are awsome and epic and the people, divers and fish make it a lot more interesting.

Islands- 3 points taken
Fish that can swim behind stuff like the poeple and boats 2- points taken off
Now that alligator... okay it's bad ass that you can actually eat away at the alligator and it makes it a lot more fun to acttually attack some thing for once that can attack you.

but... wth? After I have devoured this alligator as it proceed to sink. It still can fight back and eat me? Maybe realistic but certinally not very cool.

Maybe having the alligator where one can completely eat it a live after it begins sinking. That be cool. (no points was taken off.)

So where did that last point disappear giving this game a 4 and not a 5/10?

Level designing.

Your levels...on how you must beat to progress is extremely hard, since the humans can swim behind your floating islands of hell. The boats are so big they barely fit between the islands and disappear before you can find them.
Limits you to kill them when they are on an appropiate body of water with out any where to hide. Plus since their borders around your area, (So you can't swim too far) it makes the game evem more blasmephy (how ever it is spelled) so your limited to what is swimming in the depths and just having luck finding the boats to attack them.

1-point for difficult levels due to land scape.

Other then that, I see a strong potential and I hope you redesign so these floating islands of hell just disappear and we can have a happy swimming against the boats and eating people.

Besides... you already have a propellor that goes around anynomsly with out us knowing if it could whip back at us. That makes it fun and challenging.
You have objects both interesting and amusing to keep interest.
You have sharks and alligators that can consume you but you can fight back as well.
Not to mention more things to eat, like fish, people, divers, and the predators.
Last the seaweed is still around to move around or get stuck in.
Still get your upgrades.

This game over all is fun.

Just remove those islands please... it's being a havoc, unfair game and it's the same level design over and over which makes me wonder if my fish is retarded to keep feeding at the same same place.

Love the music and sound by the way.

As for my seedlings teleporting around the map. I wouldn't worry of it too much. It's just nice though to have a decent school of fish following you and not warping.


I got to agree that controls aint this game strong part!
But its pretty good and everything else is just fine!
you just got to get the grip over the controls!

As for lvl two you just have to be FAST! think.... eating aint always your goal!!


Big Piranhas: SVWG Invincible Piranhas: CIKA Piranha Gang: HUTR Fully Upgraded: YDOL Move Fast: XUOK Slow Motion Alligator: PUKV

Did you even make a stage 3?

Good idea for a game, but to be honest this game has major bugs that ruin it for everyone. First off, I would suggest taking off the cheats, since people would be tempted to use them, might as well take them off than allow people to ruin the fun of upgrading their piranha. On the bugs, first one I noticed was the people passing through the rocks than climbing up to where the piranha can at least reach them. The other bug (and probably the most annoying one) was that there was only one boat that appeared on stage 2 which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to finish. If you made more than 2 levels, the other levels would go to waste because of level 2. 6/10 for the idea and for the controls that would go well if the piranha's speed at max upgrade wasn't too fast that it was sacrificing piranha control for speed.


I like it, quite simple and cannot agree with others that the game sucks because, it sertain has some problems but in fact the game is pretty entretenide... Also. The upgrades make your pirana quite good.