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Reviews for "Feed Us 2"

Is this finished??

This is disgusting, worst game I've played this month. Even in the lowest quality this game lags, controls are unresponsive occasionally, Please tell me this is NOT the final product that you've decided to release

There is so much more that can be done to this game to improve it.

Eh Has potential but Poorly Executed

Its got a good idea but the fact that it feels so unfinished and shouldnt have even been published just makes you cringe. The idea can be solid but the mechanics behind it are not finished.

Oh.. really?

This is most unfinished game I ever saw.
Just take a brief look at this.
He even failed to change "shark" tip to alligator.

1) Bug with seeds
2) Bug with motor (simple bounce from bladec when boat still on water)
3) Bug with surface (bounced once on it and 11 seeds left bouncing there untill mission end)
4) Useless tail upgrades since clicking for speeding up makes no sence - you speeded up and stalled for some seconds, continuing swim somewhere forward.
5) Tail animation bug on upgrade menu
6) I wonder why every single piranha heads to left map border if there is no map change?
7) Also - why there is no map change?
8) Fishes, humans, boats, seeds - they can easly swim behind land (seeds in front)
9) Strange teleports.

I must consider, gentlemans, that the man, who decided to spoil our spare time with not finished game is a slob.
This surely is act of disrespect - submitting unfini

Ok but annoying.

I enjoyed it, however, I was extremely fustrated when my piranha died and I lost all my upgrades :@


I love this game and everything, but im seriously dissapointed. You have an aweeeeessooommmeeee idea, that is a definete. However the execution of the game is poor, and feels as if you have rushed a lot of important stages of this game.
1. Why can't you just click you mouse to get your pirahna to eat stuff or even drag it down into the depths?? It would make it so much simpler. instead you have to waggle your mouse everywhere and hope that the guy doesnt swim away. Major design flaw. -1 point.
2. Another flaw. The fact that the people (who are also very badly animated!) can swim into islands makes this game even more of a frustration!! Another reason why you should be able to drag people down into the deep blue sea. -1 point.
3. Yet another flaw. As the review below me has said, the islands in this game are another good idea poorly excecuted! THEY ARE TOO BIG!! It feels like you are swimming in a cave at times!!! and the teleporters!! WTF! -2 points.

Even through all this however, the game still has its charms. The fresh idea of playing as a pirahna makes this game still bearable, through all of these flaws. If you managed the iron out all these flaws, then this game would be one of my all time favourite games, and i would easily give this a 10.