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Reviews for "Bullet Maze"

Pretty cool and original

I like the idea, I think the graphics could have been a bit better

good game but...

But when your curse is out of map screen then your colour is not switching... It's annoying cuz when u want to move your ball max to up you will not able to change colour and at last u will fail... :/ So sad that it cannot be change on web flash game.

Rhete responds:

If you hit the "expand game" option above the game, it should give you a little more space on the sides.

Thanks for the review!

Really enjoyable

I also loved Ikaruga... :D

Great art, fluid motion and good music

Pretty good for those 5 minute breaks, but I couldn't play every long because I get that tingly muscle spasm thing.

Fun, Challenging Game

I was never that good in Ikaruga, but then again I didn't properly play it and I was a generally worst gamer back in that day. I like the bullet pattern style that is influenced from that game, and it's quite a bit more manageable here given the pacing is slower and you don't have to concentrate on killing foes.

The song that plays in the background in upbeat, although it would've been nice to have more songs (given that, such isn't really expected from this type of game). Visuals are adequate; they certainly aren't ambitious but again, for a game of this type no one's expecting that much flash, besides too much extraneous details would make the patterns more difficult to read.

The stages themselves (as of this writing I'm at stage 23) are very well planned out and encourage different types of approaches. For some you need to stop and go slowly, for others you need to speed fast but keep paced, and for others still you sometimes need to take advantage of the walls and hug them as closely as possible. It shows some good variety going from stage to stage, and the presence of keys on some help in that department too.

There are only a few things that upset me w/ this game. Back to the stages, they are fun and challenging (not brain-destroying Battletoads hard, but you do need to do some fancy work here and there and not take the stages so lightly, not until you suss out the patterns at least), but it would've been nice if there were more pressure going on, say as in a time limit or certain trap panels in some stages where going over them would result in a loss (this would encourage precise movement more). Even the bullet patterns changing mid-stage to reflect player progress would be a good addition, if done properly.

My biggest issue w/ the game is actually in the controls. I don't really fancy mouse controls for games in general (call me old-fashioned), but in this game it's exasperated by the fact the ball doesn't actually follow cursor movements 1:1. I understand there might be a deliberate design decision to this, but on some parts of some levels it felt like the ball was lagging. This led to the impression of some spots seeming tougher than they actually are. You don't need to abandon mouse controls to 'fix' that; it would be nice if the ball's movements more closely tracked the cursor's (though exact 1:1 would, imho, break some of the intentional delay you have implemented here and make certain things too easy. I'm certainly NOT advocating you do that x3).

This is one of the more fun games of this type I've played around here in a long while, so I hope it receives an update in the near future. I only offer personal opinions. Thanx for making this game and good luck w/ future endeavors.