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Reviews for "Town of Fears"

Great game

... expect for often too weak foes and simon is way too weak...

Great game! I never got bored and the combat is unique and requires skill, especially for the Librarian. In my opinion, the librarian and the student we're the strongest. Last Flake and Headhunter we're also really strong. Their Ultimates' burst was pretty OP.

The way your HP rolls, reminds me of Earthbound

Had a load of fun playing this, original on a few different levels.

Last Flake TORE. SHIT. UP.
And adversely, the librarian seemed a bit bleh.

I really hope you make a sequel!

A good start

I'll start with the good here: the combat system is pretty well implemented, the characters are distinct from each other, and the difficulty is about right for this type of game. The character progression also seems to be varried enough so that there's no one "right" build. I also found that I liked the reset button for attributes here, somewhat unusual for me, as it made up for not having a real inventory to choose from. Instead of swapping out for the best gun, you shuffle around your attributes to deal with the current foe. It's fast moving, consistently paced, and a good little time waster.

As for the weaknesses, I honestly feel that the biggest one is the story. The plot is okay, but the execution is pretty bad. Most of that is because of the way exposition is handled. After a while I caught on to a pretty basic formula being used here: a character fights his way to a location, meets either a friend or a foe, decides what to do, and then spends the rest of the time justifying why they have to do it to the audience. It feels overly contrived and really lays bare the fact that the game is quite literally a bunch of encounters on rails. The art for each character portrays far more about their personality than any of their dialog does, which to me feels like a huge missed opportunity. Also, as has been pointed out, some kind of free roam option would have made the game feel a LOT less linear. Even if you elected to keep the player more or less on rails during a free-roam section, just having to move from place to place does a lot to create the sensation of having choice, even if it is just an illusion.

As you're starting work on the sequel, I'd definitely consider scripting in either some kind of alternate means of progression or just a lot more choices (and I do appreciate that there were some choices to be made here.) Also, while this is a nit-pick, avoid writing contrived bits like the second fight with Butcher. The lowest point of the writing here was when Butcher rose from the dead for a second time and Headhunter said "oh, I guess I really do need to take his cleaver away from him." Learning that he apparently read up on this foe, saw the key to perma-killing him, and then discounted it because, as he said, "you have to tell the truth from the lies" only made him look like... well, a moron. It raises far too many questions concerning his competence, the most notable being "why not just take the knife off his corpse anyway just to be sure?" Generally speaking if something sounds contrived enough to you that you feel the need to add an explanation to it, it's probably going to sound even worse to an audience who is less familiar with the setting.

Anyway, I hope some of the points raised here are of use to you as you begin work on the sequel. I look forward to checking it out once it's completed.

Plot is good

however even on the lowest difficulties you can't afford to miss

the only thing that makes up for this is the satisfaction that you can time it right and get 100 % damage which breaks enemy armor

the art was beautiful but on the hardest difficulty end boss will own you if you get less than 75% on the meter and while upgrades does help mitigate this it can also excerbate it other than that a solid game but needs scarier background and mood music you after all are fighting demons, zombies and other nastires birdcalls and windchimes in the background break the atmosphere really easy