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Reviews for "Bronies"

It's a small world after all.

While the animation and art was pretty decent, you're basically poking fun at a bunch of people with an abnormal liking for anthropromorphised animals. LIKE THAT HASN'T BEEN DONE BEFORE.

I wouldn't have a problem with it, if, say, it had some punchline, or maybe a few jokes in it, but no, you're just insulting people who are strange. No wit, horrible humour.

6/10 for the animation
8/10 for the voices
2/10 for the concept

You can do better. Although the flash will probably end up at about 4.00 anyways, simply because Oney cast his voice.

Spazkid responds:

From: CappyKaZz
Sent: 10 hours ago
Subject: Re: Memes

I never said that everyone buys into what the public accepts as good, I said that judging somebody purely on one aspect is stupid. It's fairly simple, you did something stupid, I call you stupid, the particular submission you critiqued happened to be based upon memes, yes, if you dislike memes your biased mind won't be able to acknowledge the merits of the game regardless of how good, so it's pretty fucking pointless to review it at all.

And on to a second point, learn to spell, there are hundreds of shoddy mistakes in your argument, and more than one kind of mistake at that. And further more, saying that all memes originate from 4chan and the internet is also a biased opinion. It took awhile for me to reply, but I think you'll agree, I'm right anyways. I've been busy doing things such as not raging about memes being in ridiculously well made flash submissions, and making sense to people other than myself. Not that you'd know anything about that sort of stuff.

I liked maybe two of the jokes

I'm not sure if you're seriously bashing bronies or what. All I'm going to say is that the bronies (me being one of them) are a VERY friendly and harmless fanbase. I am very glad that there is barely any pony fapping faggotry going on because that is what degenerates a ton of fanbases and attracts trolls. As for the work itself the jokes weren't very well put together and unfunny. I do have to say the "real voices from the show" and the "Gosh Pinkie Pie don't be such a prude" jokes were funny. Other than that it relied too heavily on shock value to be funny. Kind of like Oney or Harry Partridge except not very well done. Keep trying though.

Spazkid responds:

shock value what

wtf was all that about

Um... Should I be concerned?

Oh okay

This idea has been done to death. Replace MLP with comic books, figmas, Doctor Who, furries or any undesirable element of any fanbase and you got the same movie.

Animation was grand though.