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Reviews for "Zombotron"

almost perfect

I've seen this in other ombie games, where you can't control and shoot well during close up action. I understand it may be realistic, but in a game it just seems off.

Other than that very enjoyable and good work.

cool game a little

cool game a little

great game

great game but get a little glichy after the level 7 the elavators stop working. and i love how the robots kill zombies i love when your enimes dont get a long

Calm, and can still be action packed.

The game's art style is very amazing! The music is serene, making zombie
massacre peaceful. It reminds me of a similar game named Capsized, both very awesome.

9/10. Better than most.


1. Graphics - are originally good
2. Gameplay - nice
3. Sound - poor. could be better. Need more ambience and atmosphere music. Zombie sound too poor and annoying.