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Reviews for "Gap Monsters"

Good game

It took a while to have fun on a single game on Newgrounds for that long.

I even did a minecraft level : 70400

Nutcasenightmare responds:

Thanks for your encouragement, my ego is a voracious beast.
And eep, that Minecraft level IS hard.




keep playing the first leve, scream is HILARIOUS!


that is a cool and addicting game!

Nutcasenightmare responds:

I profit from all your addictions.
I regret nothing.

At first glance...

You think this is going to be a game for kiddies, But then comes their first scream, and then the game becomes so fun that their screams grow on you, and then the screams start turning into goat sounds, and etc. This is a great game, and deserves its position on the front page.


Nutcasenightmare responds:

And thinking of all the 'kiddies' who did play this...
I've just created a new generation of serial killers.