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Reviews for "Snailiad"

like it ^^

I like that game it reminds me of the god old days when i played games on my gameboy xDD i rate it for 10 awesome game dude ! =)


its cute. the game play makes me think of metroid

Thumbs Up

I have paid for downloadable games with less polish and with a shorter playlife than this one I just spent 3 hours in for free. Well done. I loved it. The powers and upgrades had me feeling like a bad ass at the end and It was the perfect pace and length.
Anyone that complains about the grav shell is too simple realize how amazing it is the flip gravity at your command or was to impatient to take the time to learn how to do it well. It can be overwhelming if you rush to finish the game before you learn how to tell which way is up. Take a few minutes to dick around in a safe but geometrically challenging area, meaning lots of right angles and quick flips.
If you're going into walls you did not find a glitch, you found a secret passage. Explore it, dopey.

IF YOU ARE HAVE TROUBLE FILLING YOUR MAPS OUT TO 100% I put mine up in my profile. Just click my name in this comment. Find the damn shells on your own though, I'm not holding your hand for a whole damn walkthrough.

Great game

Loved the metroid atmosphere.

o.o reindeer

why is there a random reindeer @_@

auriplane responds:

Random reindeer are secret snelks! If you spot a snelk in the wild, there *may* be a secret nearby...