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Reviews for "Captain Ig'nant"

Hilarious and thought provoking satire

I really really hope that people do get the point of this. Initially when I saw this title advertised at the bottom of NG in the "today's best" column I was a bit nervous that this was going to be something offensive, but after reading your description I was really interested to see what you put together.

The animation was really fluid and I enjoyed the exaggerated style and expressions. The colouring and shading made things look rather lively, but I really loved how you visualized his powers.

The message behind this was really important to tell. I'm also black ( a canuck whose spent a huge chunk of time in the US as well as Canada) , and can relate to this toon. The scene featuring the white friend panicking about the red-shirted black guy "doing well in school and talking 'white'" is a portion of my life in a nutshell. I've been told to my face that I "act white" "talk white" and even "dress white" (yea, I'm lost on that too.)

And don't even get me started on ages ago in middle school when some (not all, just couple) white kids would try to talk street to me and randomly throw up gang signs in my presence. I think I heard "west siiiiIIIIiiiiide" a couple 100 times. Ugh. Stupid 90s...

I'm a sorta dorky looking comic book geek who listens to ska, electronica, videogame music, country, old school rap, orchestral and cinematic soundtracks and pretty much anything I come along, but to others, this has been a sign of me "not being 'true' to myself." If I've got to fit under some stereotyped vision to belong, how is that being true to myself? I go against the grain not to rebel, that's just simply who and what I am.

Anyways, enough about me, I just wanted to applaud you on tackling a very real problem in our society today through humour. If we're not challenging stereotypes and being afraid to be who we are, we're stagnating as a people.

Thank you and I hope you got an excellent grade and review from your teachers.

I'll be checking out all your other stuff now.

All the best,

Chakra-X responds:

Thank you very much for your review. I tried to cover a large spectrum of black issues, not just inner city issues because it goes beyond that. I grew up in the suburbs and to this day most of my iPod is video game soundtracks, rock, classical, and pop songs, and in high school. Because of this, I would have friends who joked that I dressed white or did not have enough hip hop music taste, and I am also very light skinned so I still get a bit of "he's not that black". I have seen kids with perfectly normal parents turn out hood because they feel like they must adapt themselves to be a "real black man/girl", and if you have a lot of black kids from the city who act a certain way, that will be the dominate social group of the black kids in a school and others will gravitate to their mannerisms.

I know the content is very over the top but I find that funny and I like that style because it grabs attention and attacks the issue head on while (HOPEFULLY) being funny, so I really enjoyed your review.

Hilarious and somewhat true.

Let me just start this off by saying I am an African American and I was not offended by this. I am not at all one of those douches who tries to force everyone to be "politically correct", but that's not why I wasn't offended. It boils down to two core reasons: it is the absolute truth, and it is fucking hilarious.

Now for the people who misunderstand the flash: my interpretation of the flash. This is supposed to be a METAPHOR. Aaron is not by any means saying that black people are supposed to be ignorant, Captain Ignant is a character created to make fun of how modern black culture and n***as (aka ignorant black people) keep intellectual African-Americans from shining by attempting to make them as fucking stupid as they are. I am around this kind of ignorance DAILY and this is a topic that is very dear to me. I am EXTREMELY happy that this happening is being given acknowledgement, and that is reason one.

The second reason, again, is that it's damn funny. This flash had me cracking up from the title screen, which is rare. From the constant sarcastic humor to just the fact that Captain Ignant has a goddamn watermelon on his chest is lulzy enough to deserve a 10 based on that alone.

Great animation, awesome voice acting, great message, and truly hilarious. A true rare gem. This made my day. 10/10

Absolutely Fantastic

I LMAO when it tells how he got his powers. "He's talking white, is sickening" LOL

Hahaha, wayy too funny

Good job on the animation, Wayyy too funny!!! Keep up the good work!


I was about to get mad for a minute until I read your comment...I'm black and was about to straight up go off. When I saw this I actually thought it was funny as hell and that's how a lot of the people act now which is just plain awful. That was like a n***a moment at the beginning like the Boondocks. Good work "My N***a!" LOL. Just joking.