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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"


Completely loved it, I usually come on newgrounds to laugh at retarded parody's to do with Exploding cocks and other immature things, But i adored this, Gives me alot to think about when i go to Sleepy sleeps. Thankyou :D

Very informative.

Very fantastically well done job at organizing and presenting your information.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more of these.


You are certainly very convincing.

I have a problem, though. I often wonder how I can trust people when they make claims like this.

The reactions to a video like this are usually "this is awesome, I completely believe you" or "this is complete bullshit, hate hate hate" with some caps thrown in.

I don't like to jump to those conclusions. The alternative is to experience an anxious distrust of anything - a Pyrrhonian skepticism. I was just wondering how you feel you can put your trust in one point of view over another. What takes you from just thinking something, believing something, and then knowing it?

When met with opposition, I feel my open-mindedness undermines any confidence that I can have in any kind of theory. It's a bit upsetting. = /

RiverJordan responds:

Ultimately it's all in the eye of the beholder right? Is this crap or is this eye opening? You decide.

Most of this information came from a man named Drunvalo Melchizidek. This man is a wealth of knowledge, and i have decided to trust him based on everything that he's brought to the table. Also, when I looked at his information after reading his books, there was definitely incredible backing behind it. (Like the mystery of the sphinx video for example). I'll probably talk more about him later on.

So all of the doomsday prophocies by relegions....

Are they in fact referring to the (Possible) Death of the relegions, and not humans themselves?

RiverJordan responds:

Quite very much possibly

I see now...

Since we practicly started near point C(Falling Asleep) that was the begining of humans itself.But now since we are close to points A(Awakening), and the majins say that Dec. 21st 2012 is our end which is where we will land on points A.It means...Be prepared...What it means is that earth is "starting over" or ending humans and starting a new era of humanity.

RiverJordan responds:

Oh we didn't start at point C, we just don't have records going back before then, so we "assume" that was the beginning of humans. We've gone around that cycle at least 5 or 6 times now though.