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Reviews for "City Siege 2:Resort Siege"

:( platform jumping and death

Worked so hard, finally got the artillery, and it cant jump worth shit so I have to blow all the platforms along the way. And I hate when health reaches 0 they die. It sucks cuz it takes forever to build enough money for stronger people, so when their health reaches 0, it would have been better if they just went out of commision for like 2 rounds then came back instead of being forever gone

Good game

However, it's SOOO annoying when your people die and you can't get them back; couldn't you have just made it so they go to a hospital or something and you don't get to use them for another 5 turns or something like that? Also, a level editor would be greatly appreciated :D

Not bad.

Great Game with a nice Rank-Up System, but i hate to lose my awesome Commando. Not very hard game, but the bazooka enemy sucks. D:

awesome game buuuut.

teamkill kills most of my soldiers and "retry" isn't really retrying. oh and it froze during a large explosion

What an awesome game! I love all the upgrades that were made on the original, especially the scrolling map, as well as the Spy character. Very nicely done!