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Reviews for "Rise Of The Gunslinger"

I really like this... but it's a pocketwatch

You tell a good story and part of me was expecting something less... but you surprised the hell out of me. Though your artistry is a little lacking, I like the attention you paid to the old black powder revolvers. Though the Gunslinger didn't cock the hammer on the last shot, it still didn't detract from the whole. I must admit, I want to see more... either as a continuation or just keeping the same storytelling style. Keep it up.

savage011 responds:

thankya! im actually really happy you want me to continue this because i was considering this to be my last serious and dark animation, but now that people actually like me making serious animatons im going to keep doing them:)

A well done story makes up for mediocre animation.

- An EXCELLENT job telling a story without words! A tone of mystery is set in the beginning that continues to build to the climax.
-The music fit perfectly. The audio paces the movie and the tempo contrasting the end provided a very eerie finish.
-The story itself was good. I really enjoyed the quick flash to the hanging, that immediately clicked at the final frame.

-I know you've been told, but the animation could use some work. I don't believe that it is a quality of the art as much as it is a quality of the motion. Too few frames to accomplish some of the drama.
-There were details in some aspects, but not in others. The gun shots do not need to be gory or nasty (in fact, that might take something away), BUT there should at least be a little shading. The blood simply reminded me of an MS Paint splotch pasted on an art style that deserved more than that.

An excellent piece. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I rated this fairly high, because the feel and the story transcended any failure in the art department.
-2 for art.

SUGGESTION (No point reduction for suggestions):
I thought the first man killed was a little out of place. He felt like a joke initially and almost detracted from the tone.

savage011 responds:

i love reviews like these. Thank you for the generous score, im happy to know that storytelling was able to get me past so-so artwork. I can see what your tallking about with the first man being killed, but i wanted to show how foolish it was to try to shoot at the gunslinger.

purty good

i had troble understanding sum of it but it was steel pretty good, artwork cood use sum work though

savage011 responds:

thanks for the advice, art is now my top priority.

call me a critic but.

the story line is brought very nice and understandable for a non-vocal animation.
altough.... the sounds sounded impure. cracks all over it. that really brings it down.
not too much work to fix id figure.
the animation.... well.... not too bad. but could be better.
maybe make the lines smoother. also with the scene where u only see a part of the face and the shadows of the arms, u clearly saw the 3 pieces wich u joined togheter.

overall a good flash
some beauty issues here and there.

my conclussion?(personal.. dont go hating me for it)
story line: perfectly brought for a non-vocal
sound: cracking too much for my taste. (maybe search for bettter versions?)
animation: its not a beautyfull animation. but it does the job.

keep up the good work and keep improving


savage011 responds:

thank you serdiss! thanks for looking past its faults.

the anamation was not too good

but the story makes up for most of you should try to get friends with some experience and make a better version

savage011 responds:

thanks, but i honestly dont even think anyone in my town knows flash.