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Reviews for "Proper Raptors"


Metaphorically awesome!!!

that was a most dreadful display of manners!

As a 2 ton dinosaur in a tuxedo it is my duty to inform you that the manners displayed here where dreadful! Proper etiquette states that you must kindly ask someone before ripping them limb from limb and ingesting there bloody tissues asnd various organs. A proper example would be "Excuse me fine sir! DO you mind if I ingest your flesh, I am rather famished." It is extremely uncivilaized to drop all of our etiquette as soon as your stomach starts to rumble. you Shouldn't go around being a bloodthirsty hooligan with no manners! It is also in very poor taste to eat performers during a performance, on Pag 97 of Dinosaur etiquette says "If you begin to get hungry during a performance do not eat the performers until after the show has ended to prevent other peoples viewing experience. If you are truly famished during the intermission eat the director" please remember all of this so we stop perpetuating the stereotype of dinosaurs being bloodthirsty rapscallions whenever their stomach starts to growl.

yours truly,
jisou the fancysaurus.

(PS. Great animation, hope to see more from you soon.)


It was pretty good, but entirely predictable even without reading the spoiler.


Haha!Lizard people FTW! XP It would have been a nice gag if David Icke was somewhere in this lol. :P


The ending was obvious but I still didn't see it coming and that was some nice animation. 5/5