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Reviews for "Why this?"

Should have just made a flash animation

Given the length (short) and the interactivity (effectively nil) You should have just made a flash animation. I understand the wanting to tell a story, but if you're going to do so through a game, at least make the game interesting!

To review the game as is, there's nothing to do except go right, The character moves FAR too slow. It's... well, bad. The art's not bad for being entirely mouse drawn, but then, it's also hard to mess up pixelated art. Music's good for the story... and that's about all I can say. sorry, not much of a game to review, really, given the length and the limited (at best) interactivity.

This is a really lazy attempt!

This is not a game! It's not a game if you only have to press D all the time... How challenging! Ah, and nice medals! (SPOILER ALERT) For the first you have to wait that the count-down reaches 0 and the secret one is... for finish the game.
NICE WORK, those must have been the most exhausting 5 minutes of your life.

Hold D to finish.

Not really a game if you only use one button to finish. I mean I'm sure if ah whatever not a game plan something more creative next time. Also yea boo hoo he killed hwait we don't even know if it's his wife, girlfriend, if he killed her, the hell was with the counter, why put out a item when we cant even use it, why even jump?

Giving away front page for just about anything now

The music was an excellent mood-setter (and you didn't even make it), but apart from that, this flash had nothing going for it.

Your art skills need work. There's nothing to be proud of in "This game has been completely drawn with the mouse." If you can make better art by employing other methods, then go ahead and use them. The whole thing is an eyesore. Why does it look like the man is clutching his stomach with one hand that's longer than the other? Why do his legs piston up and down when he's standing still like he needs to go to the bathroom? Why is there a random counter in the middle of the scenery? Why does the font on the counter not match the pixelated style of the rest of the flash?

I don't want to be mean, but your English needs work. Even if it's not your first language, the least you can do is proofread your translations before publishing something to a real audience. It makes you look extremely unprofessional to have stuff like "mery" in your final design. What does that even mean? Is it a misspelling of Mary? Is that the woman's name? Did you miss a "c" and fail to spell "mercy"? The world may never know.

I can't even continue to criticize this flash, because there is no depth to it. Your story leaves too much to the imagination. Mystery is only a good storytelling technique when used sparingly with rich details sprinkled generously in between.

You made this into a game, but you should have made a movie. There isn't any gameplay involved. There's just a simple one-dimensional story that you didn't even do a good job telling.

I'm sorry, but stuff like this doesn't belong on Newgrounds. How did it get a front page spot?

This is what people call "a tearjerker" and "deep" these days? I'll spare the details because I'm already well aware that the few people who actually tried to make sense of this put it better than I