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Reviews for "Orchestrated Death II"


9/10 of the cards are fucking manipulate
it's god damn annoying that all I want to see is the SUMMON of the 3rd chapter but all I get is manipulate manipulate and fucking manipulate
a chosing system or re-random card system would be great
also, being able to play chapters seperately instead of having to go from 1 to 3 every time would be nice

OzMafioso responds:

Sorry to hear about the luck man :( It's completely random, I assure you, and it doesn't favor any card, the odds are even across the board. But I do like your ideas of maybe one re-random card per turn and may put it into effect. Thanks for reviewing!

only 1

i like the game and all but r there suposed to be 3 or just 1 special metals?

OzMafioso responds:

There are only 2 secret medals. Thanks for reviewing :)

That was also pretty weird

I have been playing some unique games, and I had really trouble figuring this out. I guess you are just supposed to click things in the scene? At first, I was thinking I would not do well with this because I am not that good with card games, but it turned out to be something harder than you! I keep thinking the animation was similar to Ben Spurgin, but that might just be because of the day and stuff. The graphics are pretty nice in their own right. Anybody who is good at point and click games should play this.


I didn't like this game for the unneccessary killing but still, the concept was actually nice so 8 out of 10 is good enough. But the one thing i didn't get was the cards you had to draw, why?

Quite enjoyable

I remember playing the original Orchestrated Death a while ago, and I enjoyed the creative ways to kill people; it reminded me of games like The Visitor and Foreign Creature, which I also greatly enjoyed. The only gripes I have about the game have likely already been mentioned: it's quite short, and although that's not something that causes your score to drop, I just wish there were more people to kill in amazingly gruesome ways. =) Also, one thing that sort of annoys me is the shifting quality... when a stage first loads, it loads in low quality, then kind of "pops" into a higher quality mode. It's not really a big deal, but when you go through the game 30 times, it starts to get a little annoying. Overall, a fun game, and although I'm not a big fan of replays being required to get all achievements/medals, the game is short enough that replaying it a few times doesn't really matter. A good game, and I definitely look forward to seeing an OD3 or perhaps something similar in the future if you don't want to continue the Orchestrated Death line of games.

I do have two questions, though... first off, why does a floating rock spawn when the Manipulate card is drawn, and what do those darned eggs do in chapter 1?