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Reviews for "Armed with Wings 3"

Really nice

Fine, I'll just start with the downsides...
Still lags, still bugged, still looks too damn much like a Bleach fanfiction with derivative character designs and special moves. Maybe it's just a problem of mine that I down like that when it gets too over-the-top.
The story is ok, although it concludes with the usual anime power trip. On the plus side, it's told through cinematic scenes definitely more intriguing to look at than the ones in previous installments; they didn't make me want to skip all the time.
Good art, good gameplay, excellent animation work as always. The reintegration of puzzle mechanics from the first game was a nice touch, and the boss battles (almost all of them) were more dynamic and enjoyable.
Better writing but, ugh, still no proofreading? You definitely have to work on your spelling, and this is coming from a non-native English speaker.


Very good and well made.

This game is very fun.
I love the art style and the controls are fluid.
However, I thought it was a little too easy. especially the final bosses. I first tried both of them without even having max stats.
Being too easy is better then being far too hard though, so I shall still say "Congrats!" because this is a wonderful game.

a badass game

except there needs to be at least a few checkpoints like in the GOD AWFUL level thats like in the ruins or something because near the end oops i missed a wall jump time to replay about 10 minutes of the same 3 minute level ive been playing for the past hour its just annoying so yea thats all thats wrong

Great game

However, very glitchy. Once you get some perks like higher jumps and stuff, you can get to places that you're not supposed to be able to reach, and lots of times I found myself accidentally jumping over a wall that's supposed to block you and falling through the ground forever. What would really be great is a restart button when you pause the game, cuz' I ended up having to restart the whole damn chapter. Otherwise, it's a really good game. I liked the art and the story was OK, but what really interested me was the puzzles and the animations of the game.


yeah,great game,but no mute option?lame -.- or at least i didn't find one