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Reviews for "Horror Scape: Chapter 1"



CrippledPig responds:


I enjoyed but one qualm

The fact that if you were hit would you slow down and not be able to attack. Made certain things like jumping across shark infested waters hard and just seems like a poor idea even if you cant take damage during it. Other than that I had fun and cant wait to see more.

CrippledPig responds:

Thank you for the review. I currently dropped the time for the skull, as well as when your hurt. I'm going to be fixing it so you can attack during that time.

Great Game

I enjoyed it, the look and feel are great. One thing, the kill count in the first section includes the little insects instead of just the zombies.

CrippledPig responds:

Thank you for the review. Sadly I am not getting the same result as you, I'll look more into it, but so far they are not coded to work with the Zombies Killed counter. :(

i really wanted to play a bit more

But the controls are unbearable. Good game though.

CrippledPig responds:

I'm sorry, wish I new what you disliked about the controls.

A game of waiting.

First off, I like the premise and the idea, the whole dark, Halloween world thing is pretty cool. There was clearly alot of effort put into the presentation, but a lot of it is misplaced. This game is incredibly slow-moving with very little gameplay depth, (only one attack).

The only skill comes needed here seems to be the waiting and patience. Are you willing to WAIT for the characters to stop talking? Are you willing to WAIT 30 seconds for the little red demon guy to fly away before you can control your guy again? Are you willing WAIT for the characters to stop talking, because there's skip buttons for some things, but not one for the stuff that really needs it. Are you willing to WAIT for your character who takes 10 seconds to hold his gut and cry before you can hit the opponent back? It just takes away from the experience. It's not like there was some huge effort put into the storytelling either, like cinematic cutscenes, it's just the gameplay animations being tweened around like marionettes.

There's alot of unnecessary effort in all the wrong places, starting with the graphics. There is a ridiculous amount of tweens and filters that slow the game down badly but really don't do anything for the atmosphere but make it look tacky. Some glows, I can understand, I like glows myself, but on ALL the text? Drop Shadows on every character? Blurred fog everywhere? And then on top of that, every character was puppet "tweenimated". You have to keep in mind that this is Flash, some people with 1337 computers will get the full experience, but most people won't. Some filters you can find a way to get around the lag by exporting the filtered graphics as .pngs and .gifs and re-importing, even if you want them animated, try exporting>importing as gif sequence. When you're done with the game, if you put all your raster images on the first frame of the game/movie behind the preloader and stuff, that'll cut down lag and choppyness later on as well, because all the raster images will already be loaded by the time the player gets to them.

I don't think it was a bad idea, but you might wanna tone down all the flash-cheese and focus more on the gameplay. Presentation is important, but it should never take precedence over gamplay unless you're going to go all the way with it (Like an interactive movie). Otherwise, I'd rather see this game with frame-by-frame character animations on ONE layer in their symbols to avoid all the lag, more .pngs , less filter-rape (if you don't want to compromise on graphics), and less waiting. Seriously, good effort though, I have no doubt if you change priorities a bit that the rest of this series could be something really good.

CrippledPig responds:

Thank you for the tips, although I thought of exporting all my images as png, I never got around to it. I have made plenty of changes to remove the filters, and it seems I still have a few minor issues needed to be fixed on the forest level.

as far as waiting goes, I added "skip" buttons.

Thanks again