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Reviews for "Turing Test"

Loved it.

In a strange way this is my favourite robot day flash so far.

You had me completely wrapped up in the storyline, and the use of a cliffhanger was definitely the right direction for the cartoon.

You executed the use of pause flawlessly, and that in balance with the tense music, gave the animation a really unique feel.

The art and animation was nothing spectacular, but it didn't need to be. I do think the 'byte me' joke on the t-shirt felt out of place in a cartoon as deep as this one.

I loved it. Your best one so far.

Jimtopia responds:

Yeah, the character was designed before I actually had the whole premise nailed down, and upon looking, the joke on his shirt doesn't really fit, but hopefully it doesn't detract from the flash too much. I'm quite glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the review!

unbelievable deep

This flash asks many questions and give hundreds of ways for interpretation. Commercial: A Heartless coorporation kidnapping people for their purposes and people falling for it. The flaws of chat systems: Not knowing who is on the other end of the line, is it a human being or a machine (turning test)? What is happening? You are practically blind and don´t know what is happening to your chat partner. Is it a bot that is programmed to make you scared programmed by some *****. Is it just a person kidding around with you, or is there really someone in trouble? You can´t find out

Jimtopia responds:

You've hit it right on the nose, sir. I'm glad you liked it. ^_^

Simple concept, well executed

If someone were to explain to me what this cartoon was about, I probably wouldn't have watched it. It doesn't sound interesting to watch from a conceptual standpoint. Yet, as the cartoon went on, I found myself quite intrigued by it. It didn't go anywhere extreme or make a solid conclusion, which was the best direction to go. It just sort of lets itself rustle your feathers.

My only criticisms of this cartoon can be leveled at the art. The tweened fluidity and subtle expression of the protagonist's eyes was nice, but the style wasn't working for me. the chat screen -- the focal point of the cartoon -- looked serviceable and nothing more. But these are small complaints. Overall, you've made a genuinely interesting cartoon here.

Jimtopia responds:

Thanks a bunch for the review! Yeah, I figured when I decided to go with this idea that a definitive ending would be the wrong direction to go. It's supposed to just get under your skin and bother you just a little bit, not tell a massive story.

As for the art, I'm glad you thought I tweened "fluidly." I figure if I'm gonna be lazy and tween everything I might as well try and make it look kind of nice. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the best artist, but I'm glad you could look past it and give me an honest review.


A little fast paced between messages; try increasing the spaces between them if you ever resubmit this. Loved the mindfuckery though, excellent work there.

Jimtopia responds:

Ha, what an awesome word. "Mindfuckery." I must begin using this word.

Holy tomatoes in an airplane!

I have A hate/love relationship with suspense.I love that it always gets me,but I hate it when it cuts off at the end and I know the author doesn't want to follow up.I really would have loved to have seen how the person (if there really WAS a person) had been silenced.This is the first piece of your work that I've seen,but I hope you never stop amazing me!

Jimtopia responds:

I will warn you, none of my other works are quite this... "deep." But I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Anyway, the problem with doing a sequel explaining whether it was a chat bot or not would ruin the idea behind this movie. The viewer is supposed to not know, and I think revealing that would eliminate any suspense that this one had. Thanks for the review, and I hope you can forgive me for leaving this on a bit of a "cliffhanger."