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Reviews for "Bushit Strikes , back"

Not spanish...

This aint spanish u dumb asses lol
it's portuguese. and hell it's rather funny.
while bush is seen as a hero for u guys (and england...), the rest of the world thinks he's the father of all assholes. god damn stupid dumb ass. Bill Clinton was a much better president than he'll ever be. War War War... take u're nukes and shove them up yer ass, and see if ya like it.
Also, i would also like to say the best cars are the european cars =)
oh, and the usa have been the greatest terrorists in the last 50 years. ever heard of Ruanda? 1 million ppl were ASSASSINATED there in less than 3 months, cuz the UN (aka USA...) didnt want to do anything about it. how do u think the few survivors feel? yup, for them bin laden is a hero, cuz he stood up against terrorism (even though in a bad way). I don't support terrorism, but bad things happen to bad people... don't think it just happens by accident.
My regrets to all the families of the victims of the 11th September. My regrets to 'president' bush for being such a stupid asshole.
hope u learn to be humble in the future, so u'll have the world's support.


I didnt understand a thing of what they were saying, cus I come from Denmark.
But I hate the US goverment for being so hypocratic. It was they US goverment who first gave Osama Bin Laden money to finance his attack on the Sovjet forces in Afgahnistan and they supported Saddam Hussein before and after he had killed over 5000 people with chemical weapons. They also advised Hussein to use Chemical weapons against the Iran army.
Besides they hate commies just for bieng commies e.g. they helped Augusto Pinoche to overthrow the communist goverment in Chile, he is now acussed for violating human right and is known as one of the worst dictators in history. They even supported Saddam Hussein when he attacked the former communist goverment of Iraq. USA has commited some of the worst crimes against humanity and still they are proud of it.

Standing up for America

I know I'll take flak for speaking my mind, and I know I'll be hated for loving my country. I'm doing it anyway.

Why do people like this 'artist' hate America so much? I think the answer is a lot simpler than they'd admit. The most common answer I hear is that America provokes hatred and attacks such as those on 9-11 with its foreign policy. Which policies?? Is it because we provide more foreign aid than any nation in history?? Is it because we provide more resources for chariable works than any other nation?? Is it because, like any other sovreign state, we protect our interests? There is room for debate, obviously, about American policies, but what I've just listed are indisputable FACTS. The simple answer why this person and others like him hate America is bigotry. The obvious racism in this film is obvious, and it's wrong; racism and undeserved prejudice is wrong even when it's against America. And if you think I'm incorrect, argue against me with REASON, not just blatant hatred.


So stupid it was funny!

Wish I Could Speak Spanish

Nice drawing, nice comment on political statement at that. Kinda confused about the end, but I think I get the basic idea. The last review just reminds me about how politically correct and war hungry some Americans can be (keyword: some, I don't mean every single one), but that's a topic I can't completely address in one review. Anyway, not bad, kind of strange.