really funny you should make more of these
really funny you should make more of these
i laughed so hard i actually farted... twice, this is an amazing video to watch at like 5:00 in the morning when ur dead tired from a hardcore previous day of hell followed by a night of no sleep thus leading to said 5:00 am viewing... shoot me plz... ive been on new grounds for like 3 hours straight... and if any grammar nazis say anything about my spelling or grammar.... i will kill you.... slowly... i will hack ur comp... find out where you live.... and kill you....
anyways i give you 10 dead grammar nazis outta 10... great job
Nice there will be blood reference ;)
I loved how Mickey Embodied All the Hate that Mario Fanboys would have for Sonic, It seemed so right, it dragged on for a little bit at the end there, but hey, still an awesome movie.
Go Mario!!!!